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Posted by Aaron Viviano on September 15, 2002 02:41:53 UTC

A normal bird would die trying and that is what the would pecker would have been if it evolved. The fact is the wood pecker shouldn't even exist if evolution is correct. Any bird with a tendency to beat it's little brains out untill it died would most likely do so before it could mate, (namley evertime it tried to eat) and thus the head beating genes would fail to pass on to the next generation.

"1) continuity: recordkeeping about professional standards and training the next generation;"

Okay DNA does not record ever day living nor professional standards. It is read and only rewritten durring mating, it can not rewrite itself like a person can do to a city.

2) quality control, correcting small errors and

The "quality control" on DNA is falty, if there is an error in the code, it do anything about it at all. It "thinks" it is normal and moves on.

3) with DNA editions, there are far more mathematical units (individuals and generations) for the small changes to "catch on."

Editions? We have already determined that individul DNA can't do anything to it self and any mistakes that are there will pass on or not depending on what part of the DNA goes over with the other new part of DNA. So I see no editions here only the possibilty of things getting worse or staying the same.

Can any one point out a mutation that has been helpful, and not human made?


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