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Evolution Has Nothing To Do With It

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Posted by Harvey on September 14, 2002 17:06:30 UTC


***"According to my current beliefs, nothing I do can change what happens after I die... I will simply decompose, everything I do is done in vein. It is a very grim belief, however it is what I think happens." Here is why I think evolution is dangerous. The thought that nothing I do matters, it's all in vain, is dangerous for some people. If we are all just evolved monkeys, and when we die we just die, why should we even care what we do? Why should we hold ourselves up to a moral standard? Why don't we go into school and shoot our classmates?***

Evolution has nothing to do with atheism. There were atheists before Darwin, there were atheists when Darwin was around, and there are atheists after Darwin. Atheism is a choice, just like being a theist is a choice. You have to get up in the morning and ask what do you want to believe about life. Do you want to believe that life is without a divine purpose or do you want to believe that some overall purpose exists to our lives - something Divine.

I've met people who are rather unintelligent who are atheists, and I have met people who are extremely intelligent who are atheists. One of my friends has the 220+ IQ who is a devout theist (and I believe that Chris Langan falls into that category and is a theist). I've met professors of major universities who teach and research evolution, who are devout theists. I've known of leading scientists and philosophers who are theists. I've also known of atheists who were equals to these other folks.

Don't blame evolutionary science. Besides, we aren't evolved monkeys. Get it right.

Warm regards, Harv

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