But some could still be wrong.
HScott wrot:
Mike, up to a point, I had been enjoying our conversation and fair exchange of ideas. But I sense that you're getting frustrated. I'm not sure if it's because you're having trouble countering my level headed opinions (perhaps because you've been twisting my words and basing your arguments on assertions that I've never made or even considered), but you're now bordering on irrational... Up until this thread, I have been nothing but patient, reasonable, and polite.
Are you suggesting that the world isn't flat!!?? Quickly!--Guards!!--Arrest this man! His name is Michael W. Pearson!--and he is to be charged with heresy and witch craft! Be gone with him!! -
Aug. 29
God said, "Let there be light," and there was light... BOOM! - Aug. 29
For instance, I think that the Book of Genesis and the Big Bang Theary, eveolution, etc. are all
completely comtable. – Aug. 29
I have no problem with the idea that science and theology can intermingle (and even be one and the
same in specific instances). As far as your thoughts on the Koran predicting certain scientific modes
of thought, I find that fascinating. - Aug. 30
All science and all religion is interpreted by very fallible human beings. In both cases (religion and
science), we can be absolutely right--and both cases (religion and science), we can be absolutely
wrong. – Aug. 30
This all started with me asking, "What would happen if a murder victim was exposed to the vacuum
of space?"
-- Aug. 30
Of course, the fact is we won't TRULY know until we do die...assuming there's something to
know...assuming we don't simply snap out of existance. That being the alternative, all we can have is
our faith. I'm comfortable with that. -- Aug. 30
By the way, earlier I wrote, "just let me have my faith. Don't chastise me for it. (I'm saying you
are--you're not. I'm just speaking hypothetically.) Oops, typo, my bad... That SHOULD have read
"I'm NOT saying you are..." Hope you understood. -Aug. 31
"...there are certain MORAL TRUTHS that are absolute principles of right and wrong that no person
in their right mind could disagree with. They are across the board and absolute. - Aug. 31
I have NO religious or political agenda. - Sept.1
Our congregation is the fourth oldest in the state of Texas, and bishops from London and Canterbury
visit us on somewhat regular basis. "Canterbury" is also the name given to the Episcopal student
organization at university campuses throughout the world--of which I used to be a member, as did
my father before. -- Sept. 1
It's very easy to lock yourself away in a room somewhere and praise the Lord 'til the cows come
home. - Sept. 1
Besides, Europeans were always less sanitary anyway--so what did they care? ;) -- Aug. 30
Don't be so temporally arrogant and Eurocentric as to underestimate the quality of their literature and
record-keeping. They may not have been flying around in jets, but these were NOT stupid people. --
Sept. 1
For crying out loud, just pick up a book on Western history, and READ it! -- Sept. 1
Therefore, if it is my faith which is being questioned by science, then the burden of proof
that it doesn't exist or never happened falls, not to me, but to the scientist making the charge. The
problem, at this point, is he can't prove it or disprove it. – Sept. 1
(to Aaron) You say good works won't get you into heaven, so why bother? You're much too busy
sitting in your room praising the Lord. Tell me, which of you has truly carried out God's word? You
sitting in your room praising the Lord or the Muslim, the Hindu, and the Buddhist who actually went
in to help her? Who will God favor? You or them? - Sept. 1