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Posted by Scott on August 31, 2002 00:02:16 UTC

Nice note, Scott...Ready for one in return?

Sure, lay it on. :)

You will attend to other matters which you feel are more important. I'm surprised you think DEATH magically gives you more knowledge...except that rumor has been going around.

Well, one would *hope*... It would be a helluva thing if once you die...POOF!...nothing. One moment you have consciousness, self awareness, the next moment...well not even blackness, because there's no consciences to even perceive the blackness. Just...nothing. Like you never existed at all. Everything you knew, everything you had ever experienced...gone, meaningless. What a horrible thought. How cruel. I prefer my faith. I want to believe that I have a soul--and that's my soul harbors my consciences. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. But if my faith gives me hope, then what the hell--just let me have my faith. Don't chastise me for it.

(I'm saying you are--you're not. I'm just speaking hypothetically.)

You are taking back your assertion then that there is a "measurable degree" of change in religious history? That is a question you did not really answer

I believed I covered that in a fairly detailed manner. I compared the Old Testament to the New Testament. I discussed the fact that is irresponsible to make sweeping generalizations regarding a religion because idiots have committed atrocities in the name of religion (which is always front anyway--the crimes are committed strictly for personal or political gain). To blame the religion rather than the specific offenders is absolutely unfair and unobjective. There have been horrible atrocities committed in the name of science. That doesn't mean that I believe that science as a whole is evil or negative. That's ridiculous. The underlying purpose of science is good...just like the underlying purpose of religion is good. If I haven't answered your question, then I must
not understand the question you're trying to ask.

if you wish to give religion any credit, it must have responsibility for the failures under its management too.

This is no different for science, as stated above. Let's be consistent. Let's be objective. Let's be fair. One of the best moral ideals to ever be stated in the Bible was when Jesus said, "Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone." That should apply to "objective" scientists as well.

Because nobody's perfect.

Surely the Bible was intended ALSO to record information about genealogy and to help folks remember things they'd otherwise forget...etc.

I believe I was the one who brought this fact up in support of my own argument. I said that the Bible is a documented history of the Jewish people and their surrounding cultures.

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