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I'm Replying BECAUSE I'm Inconsistententententententen (typo)

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Posted by Box Holder on August 12, 2002 01:41:47 UTC

It was only myself that I promised to go away a while.
Regarding your title:
I read that and did not wet in my pants.
Thus, we have case one where your science failed to predict. I am more cautious. I do not predict what you will do with this post. It is indeed disturbing what happens in the Bible. What you might not notice is that such events are reputed to have occurred in other civilizations too.

I have visited the Bible 'debunking' sites posted here before and enjoyed them when they are accurate, as many are. If you had read my posts to this forum, you'd know
my years 11-15 especially were filled with reading all the good science fiction...and I don't mean comic books.
How can a person who's been outside the Milky Way Galaxy before puberty be an Earthbound medievalist as an adult? But you didn't know me.
In answer to your questions in the post to which this is a reply:
1) Although my name is Pearson, you don't need to know that to search...if the search engine works, you could use various keyword... Heck, I could find those posts for you, as I once gathered most of them for Stormcrow. He couldn't make much of them either. I don't think liberal arts is his strong suit.

In reply to another set of questions and comments you made:
2)a) The extra "I" was a typo when I changed my mind about what I was going to write...and hit the backspace button one too few times. If you take your time with context, my typos won't bother you, I think. I usually never proofread my posts before sending them -- which accounts for ALL the spelling errors and 99 percent of the grammatical errors in my posts. Nothing can account for how amusing they are to you. :)_
b) Your suggestion that I have 63 screen names, prompted me to say,"You ... can't count, either."
If that bothered you, I apologize, because it wasn't true. I bet you can count.

3) Today's Ben Franklin would not scoff at my ignorance. I do not scoff at yours. It's about manners. I only scoff at strangers or persons not present. :)_

4) To paraphrase Bishop Berkeley, it would not take the reading of science books to discover that many books in the Bible cannot be considered "True" in most senses of the word. Just being hard to bamboozle is enough. Why assume any of it is true? Today's information environment may be even worse, because they're not rambling on about
"flying lamps with goats' heads and horned weasels
heralding the coming of the big deal" or whatever.
The ones who are liars are making it sound very realistic. If you can't forgive writers of 2,000 years ago for using arcane expressions, I guess
you can't appreciate it.

From previous post:
5) Balaam's Language Removed is a good story, and Theodore Parker, with any merit he had, should have let the pack animal have his 15 minutes of fame.

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