,but the three Asians, who for the life of me I can't rember their names, are on the list with Hitler and Stalin.
Hitler past life doesn't matter it is what he did as a dictator that counts. What was a main reason that he proclaimed to want to get rid of the Jews? They were as he said the closest remaining to apes. Then came Blacks, Native Americans, Asains, Other Europeans, Un pure Germans, and then the Aryan race. After he had gotten rid of the Jews and Blacks in his nation then he planned on going after Christains next. He was an athiest and he even refers to darwin in his book as his mentor.
Stalin was an athiest and his past also doesn't matter it is what he did. He hated religion all of it. He did what he could to get rid of the church when it didn't bend to his will.
"The Inquisitions of the Dark Ages must count as among the greatest mass murders, by number of persons who were tragically killed, and especially by what portion of the population died."
Of course, They killed because other didn't beleive what they did. They were true christains infact they killed the true christains they people who were actually teaching the truth of the bible and not the inquisitions false doctrine.
"The Plagues are mass murderers too..."
Plagues don't have free will.
"Maybe we can find another common denominator that is rock solid!"
Insane, Powerlustful, Hater, atheists and evolutionist. Common threads amoung the 5.
"Charles Darwin seriously considered becoming an Anglican minister before he went on the voyage of the Beagle."
Yes and look at the millions that died becuase of that trip...
Unfortunatly this all from memory since I heard it on the Glenn beck show. You could email him. his web site is www.glennbeck.com
God Bless
-Aaron |