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A Review Of Yanniru's Article

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Posted by Whittier on July 31, 2002 16:06:41 UTC

I promised to criticize Yanniru's article on
"Consciousness." I will soon reply to Dr. Dick's
kind exposition of ideas and I have other important correspondence to catch up, too.

To find the article, as Yanniru wrote:
"Go to
and open the article on Dark Matter. "
I hope it's still there.

"Criticism" was invited, which frees me to rant a little. I would love to have been paid to study this more closely, but it might "pay well" to study this more closely.


Among the big ideas in this article are that each of our individual consciousness(es) may reside in a medium which envelopes the entire galaxy. The article suggests a consciousness may exist, probably in weaker form, without a brain. This covers ghosts and dreaming in two different ways.

Yanniru proposes this medium is "dark matter," made of "cosmic axions" whic have no inherent motion or momentum. His explanation appears early in the article.
The unresolved problem is "how the invisible axion consciousness couples with the visible physical consciousness," Yanniru writes.

As a non-physicist, I cannot comment about the idea that "the physical brain is a classical computer and the axion brain is a quantum computer" where "quantum consciousness is the unconscious state" of psychology. The main questions remain unanswered by this article, but if that were not the case, it would be (or will be) an event of galactic proportions!

This article brings together the ideas of physicists, authors of "human mind" books, Russian paranormal researchers, and Yanniru's own ideas. A reader might wish for a stronger mini-summary and for examples of how these ideas would explain our experience of daily life, since that is when we are conscious.

"A scientific analysis of the spiritual" is very ambitious. This article does not quite accomplish that, but its tidbits of knowledge are woven into meaningful patterns which will support coherent questions. A shorter rewrite for the intelligent lay person could be more fascinating, and apparently Yanniru could well write that article.
In the meantime, there probably are applications for this at the crystal radio level of inventions. Maybe you can create a habitat for a rudimentary consciousness as a hobby!

I have to move to my next tasks. Thank you for sharing this article. There's plenty of material there to continue considering!
Cilantro salad,

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