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Posted by Bruce on July 19, 2002 01:45:02 UTC

"Cosmological decay would be measurable if we knew its rules."

Whats cosmological decay?

"We are going at and beyond the speed of light relative to some distant parts of the universe."

So what? There is a horizon (no causual connection between our part and the distant part you mention) for distant parts where space is expanding at c relative to us.

Since your quoting Reaney here is something he says which makes sense

"Einstein's concept of space-time
is free creation of his mind. It does not need
to represent a THING ontologically, and thus
there is no circular reasoning. Einstein invented a
concept and then assigned properties to it that
either worked to fulfill the goals he wanted it
for, or they do not. Period..... That is, Einstein's concept of a
"spacetime" is consistent with the principles
used to define it and with the experiments done to
test it. No better praise can be given any theory
in physics!!!! Roger S. Jones called it "stacking
the deck," meaning that we invent those concepts
(including models, even abstract ones) that fulfill
the end results that we already know about. That
is precisely why physics is not about true models,
but about the free invention of theories that work."

When Stafford finds some contrived reason (such as clocks don't measure time) for why Einstein was wrong he forgets that Einstein's model works.

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