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Religious Wars

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Posted by Phil.o.Sofir on November 29, 1999 16:44:31 UTC

: : : : : : : Are humans worthier than animals?

: : : : : : *** No, but also, worthy of what? Surviving?

: : : : : Of all! I mean it general. : : : : : Is it less bad to torture or kill an animal instead of a human? (from a objective point of view)

: : : : ***There is no difference, not that either is good, but intelligence is no reason to view one as better than another.

: : : bzrd here: This is a case in point of what is dangerous about evolutionary theory. Invariably, science is assimilated into the social culture; Darwin's Origin of the Species was the foundation that Karl Marx used in constructing his socialist society [abyssmal failure]. Einstein's theory of relativity spawned the cultural relativity we see today. "All there is is matter" to quote Carl Sagan, has given us nothing but grief. We tell our young people they are "sophisticated apes" and then we are supprised when we don't have enough cages to put them in. Adolph Hitler had to subject his SS to a psychological process whereby the Jews were "de-humanized" so they could eliminate them. In our own society we have succeded in de-humanizing the human fetus to the extent that it is "legal" to "terminate" them, if they are percieved as an impedement to the life-style of the mother. No, Darwin's theory, [aside from being scientificly invalid] only allows us to dehumanize ourselves.

: : ***What is it exactly that is in religous beliefs that is any different that the religous effect of dehumanizing people?

: bzrd here: Most, if not all religions, have as a tenent, that one should love his/her neighbor; love is what separates us from the animals. When we stop loving other people we stop loving ourselves, and become, in essence, animals.[albeit intelligent ones] The inevitable consequence is that we become concerned only with the welfare of ourselves or [in Hitler's case] people like ourselves. This is an example of Darwinism in the human culture.

Sorry, Hitler was a Hitlerist, not an Atheist, the genetics was only the scientific basis for the reasoning, it was accomplished by a justification from religion there, the Germans had a God. Stopping loving is not born of anything but personal choice, religion may say to love thy nieghbor, but it also says to destroy thy enemies (and I know the part about "love thy enemy" but it is in a way that eventually brings them down/under control) wars are generally based in a religious view, economic systems/morals... are all rooted in the religion of that culture.

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