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Not Propaganda

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Posted by Harvey on June 4, 2002 20:55:01 UTC

***"Evolutionary Biology has unequivocally established that all organisms evolved from a common ancestor over the last 3.5 billion years; it has documented many specific events in evolutionary history; and it has developed a well-valued theory of the genetic, developmental, and ecological mechanisms of evolutionary change." Wow. I'm convinced. This is bull! They don't even mention that they have no idea how life started in the first place. You said creation websites are propaganda! This page is propaganda to the max. And you said that creation websites just sell stuff. Several of the links on the page you gave are ads for their own books.***

Propaganda is an attempt to convince using fallacies to twist support. This is paper represents a summary of over a century of scientific investigation.

***"That is, amphibians will not appear before fishes, nor mammals before reptiles, and no complex life will occur in the geological record before the oldest eucaryotic cells. This prediction has been upheld by the evidence that has accumulated until now: no reversals have been found." This is a blantant lie. Brain-washing to kids who read this! Fish have been found in the Cambrian, humans next to their 'ancestors', polystrates, and many other examples of this. I find it hard to believe that they were not aware of this evidence when they wrote the article.**

All of these supposed-inconsistencies from creationist are easily debunked. For example, the supposed 'human' footprint next to a dinosaur footprint shows a trailing digit indentation in the ground behind the footprint. Obviously not a human footprint afterall. Young earth creationists are not only deceitful with their kids (by telling them that most evolutionists doubt big bang cosmology), but they are also not very observant.

***I'm not supprised at these lies, but it makes me angry. Ohh well, I can't do much about it.***

Well, you could start by not stopping debate when you are clearly wrong. My suggestion is to carry forward to the point to where you see yourself contradicting yourself (even by your own measure) and then you will see how foolish it is to remain a young-earth creationist. You obviously just believe whatever they tell you (why else would you think that evolutionists were tilting away from big bang cosmology), so that's a large part of the problem.

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