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This Is Utterly Ridiculous

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Posted by Harvey on May 31, 2002 16:17:34 UTC

***This is based on the idea that the speed of light is constant. A false premise.***

You mean it contradicts a belief in a literal interpretation of Genesis, so one of the most constant measurements in a vacuum that physics has measured has to be grossly wrong, eh? Come on Aaron, there is nothing suspicious in our measurements of light speed - at least on the scales of millions of light years (perhaps 12 billion light years might see some minor effects, but it is preposterous to think any future theory will drastically affect near distances).

***We all now that light can be affected by gravity. We also now that it can be sped up or slowed down by.***

Yeah, like a black hole. Do you know how many black holes you need to slow light down to the point to where 6,000 years is consistent with our observations (i.e., assuming we live in make believe land).

***In fact I think that the speed of light has been slowing down. Now you will probably be thinking "this guy has lost it", but think about it. The way we currently measure the speed of light is with the Atomic clock. Now the clock keeps track of time by using light. Since basically you have a ruber ruler problem. So with out knowing how light is affected when it travels thorugh space. Theorecticly light from distant parts of the universe may be actually arive here faster than perviously thought.***

What the heck are you talking about??

***Another possiblity is that the Earth is located near the center of the universe. Now obviously it isn't at the exact center, but one might assume that our galaxy or group of them could be near the center. Now if it is then it could be under at time dilation effect. In the theory it states that the nearer one is to the center of the universe the slower time "travels". So in effect light could be billions of years old and yet to us it only took 6000 years to get here. Tricky aint it!***

What does being in the 'center' of the universe have anything to do with light speed? Even if we were at the 'center' we do measure the speed of light in a vacuum and it comes out as a constant at approx 300K/km/sec. Are you suggesting that light travels faster in further areas? What about the theory of special relativity, does that contradict your faith in a literal interpretation of Genesis too?

Aaron, you're young, but you are living in a make believe land and even a young guy such as yourself is too old to be lost in a make believe land. This is something for 5 year olds, not a man at adulthood.

Why all of this ridiculousness?


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