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Philosophy Is To Art What A Brick Is To The Taj Mahal

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Posted by Luis Hamburgh on May 29, 2002 13:42:25 UTC

Hi Harv,

Sorry for my constantly stuttering starts and stops, but my job keeps me "hopping," and sometimes I can't help but miss long periods of these great discussions.

BTW – what's going on with counterbalance? ;(

>>>"(Someone – I?) might say that a taste in music is real and that it exists outside the preferences for humans."
>>>"I don't think you can use an internalist argument of realism in support of music realism."

I don't think my argument is quite as deep as you indicate it is. Whether or not logical connections (1) really exist (2) and mean something, or (3) are imaginary is a question that may remain unsettled regarding art and philosophy in this discussion; in fact, if I were forced to choose from the above choices, it's fair to conclude whichever stance I'd take re music would be the same as that I'd take re philosophy. I think my position requires this consistency.

I assert that what determines our "tastes" is our predisposition to recognize and react to patterns. Simple examples – as we grow older our taste buds will probably require more stimulation in order to register taste. The ear is stressed when the waves and timbres that it processes are dissonant, and not so stressed when they (waves & textures) align. A child experiences pleasure when the wavelengths of certain colors strike her eyes, especially when experiencing them for the first time. As time passes, factors indicating the child is pleased decrease. A sticky (i.e., difficult for me to describe) example – a person may unwittingly recognize multifaceted relationships between the patterns in a novel piece of art (shapes, colors, the image it represents, etc.), and the "typical" neurological patterns experienced during an appropriate & anticipated emotional state.

>>>"The ancient Greeks would understand modern philosophy much better than modern art and modern music."

Precisely. It is my argument that the logic behind art is vastly more complex than that behind philosophy.

>>>"What didn't they get? They failed to pick up on the trends of the industry."

No, no, no!

I'm not saying we can enumerate these exact relationships just yet. I'm just saying that we will some day be able to see these relationships & express them mathematically. Hence, some day we may be able to show exactly how Negativland's algorithm was much sloppier than that of The Residents.

I do not agree that both groups produced equally valid algorithms and, quite randomly, one "just wasn't accepted."


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