Some of our fellow creatures are descended from better or worse lines but in our new Created world, all can participate in their own reprogramming.
"Everyone is Christ and they are all crucified," wrote Sherwood Anderson, wasn't it?
To what extent is that true and what would it mean if it were?
Some of our fellow creatures experience great pain to realize they carry a savage beast within whose impulses may even use the ideas of kindness to create cruelty. Our sympathies might be with them while they adjust.
Not to know or admit there is a savage beast within is the main cause of the atrocities which religions have committed with their power thru the ages. They may have believed in the mumbo jumbo, but it wasn't mumbo jumbo. It was sober good commentary requiring voluntary, creative enactment.
Why can't anyone write a better story than the Jesus story? Well, they can write OTHER stories.
But since Jesus represents for me the countless stories of love-worthy folks who were misunderstood and suffered tragedy...nothing can ever be more important or better than remembrance and consideration of these.
Folks have problems and many are ignorant...and that is perfectly natural and will be with us for quite a while yet !
For what are our inherited traits from millions of years of evolution? Many of our impulses have served a great purpose in a simpler, more savage world. A few of our impulses may be stray cruelties and some of them are mixed blessings to be managed. One of our impulses is to be consistent, and another of our impulses is to camoflage ourselves...which convolutes some matters.
Now we are in a world where we can, and increasingly, must Design our Communities...not to control one another more, but to keep the necessity for coercion to a minimum. We are mobile creatures....