Someone recently said that Dick, Paul, and Aurino are leaving?
Is this true?
I have recently made a breakthrough re: understanding Dr. Dick's paper. I haven't got it with me now. Hope at least Paul you don't miss it. I have discovered possibly how and why he seems able to zap physics, philosophy, and mathematics.
I think Harv may be interseted in what I found. I think I can show how and why his approach "goes over the head" of philosophy.
However, there are counter-arguments.
Another comment:
Given that Paul, Dr. Dick's top student, wrote: "My answer would be, Yes. That's exactly what he showed "
in reply to my:
"So I ask: did he not then show the tautological structural framework of communicable (linkable) digital explanation (linking, networking) itself?"
then surely why doesn't Dr. Dick talk to me? I invite Dr. Dick to do so.
By the way Paul; the projected network (explanation) that links two networks (explanations) matches my idea of "a musical chairs game (free network of possible links) that has the effect of linking (joining the dots) between two musical chairs games (free networks).
The inspiration for the big breakthrough on Dr. Dick's paper comes from the "Monkey" or "Coconut" puzzle.
I'll just give the puzzle here:
5 men are marooned on an island.
There are many coconut palms on the Island, and many coconuts on the beach they land on.
They gather up all the coconuts on the beach into a heap.
There is one monkey nearby.
The men do a deal: they will leave the coconuts till morning, then they will share them out among the five of them so there are equal shares. Any left over from the equal sharing, will be given to the monkey.
However, shortly after they all fall asleep; one of the men wakes up. Unknown to the others, he goes over to the heap of coconuts. He divides them up into 5 equal shares, finding one coconut left over. He gives the one to the monkey, then hides one of the five shares in the forest. Then he puts all the remaining 4 shares together in a heap and goes back to sleep as if nothing had happened.
A bit later on in the night, the second man wakes up. Suspecting nothing of the first man; he goes to the heap of coconuts. He secretely divides the heap into 5 equal shares, finds one coconut over and gives it to the monkey. He hides one of the 5 shares in the forest. Then he puts the other 4 shares back into a heap as if nothing happened, and goes back to sleep.
Later in the night, each of the other men wake up at different times, and do the same thing as the first men did, apparantly not noticing the dwindling pile of coconuts, and not suspecting any of the others of the same activity.
Each time the pile got divided into 5 shares, one coconut was left over and given to the monkey; and a share was hidden and the other 4 shares recombined as if nothing had happened.
In the morning, the 5 men wake up. Saying nothing, they divide up the heap of coconuts remaining on the beach, into 5 equal shares. One coconut is left over, which they give to the monkey.
Question: How many coconuts were there?
P.A.M. Dirac had an unusual and ingenious answer to this question.
This leads to a mega breakthrough on understanding Dr. Dick and Dr. Dick's paper.
Be back to explain.
good to talk to you Paul.
-dolphin |