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Posted by Cliff Riley on May 16, 2002 15:43:08 UTC

Howdy guys

I have been reading your posts each day and think you are the best. I have had some run-ins with that Scott too. He is Godless and his theories are wrong. The scriptures are the truth and the light. The lord sent the laws down to us and they are not for us to question. The earth is 6,000 years old and was made in 6 days. 6 24 hour days is all you need to create. It doesn't matter how it was done, it is just the fact that God said it was so it was. Stars exist only to provide us with something to look at during the night. The planets are there so we can watch Gods beauty at work. I would like to quote some scripture for you if I may.

"Genesis 1:16 - And God made two great lights: The greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars as well"

There you have it. God made the sun to see during the day and the moon gives off its own light during the night. They are both stars in the sky for us. It is perfect - day and night.

"Genesis 6:19 - And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons wives with thee"

The Ark held every sort of animal, all the species were present and all man of today came from Noah and his family. It says so in the bible. The world was filled with water and the boat was "lifted above the earth" - all the way into outer space where we would be safe from the destruction. It is all there in the bible - the greatest story ever told.

I believe evolution cannot happen in 6,000 years. If you don't believe everything in the bible exactly as it says then you don't believe in God. Even small changes do not happen. It does not say in the bible that anything changes. All life was created exactly like it does today. All fossils and the appearance of age were put there by the devil to test our faith. I believe and think some of these Godless atheists better start thinking about their beliefs harder. I take the bible literally - it is the only way to go. If you take any part of the bible and change its meaning then you can't take any of it literally. If you change some of the meaning you could change all of the meaning. It is the truth and the light - New and old Testament.

I am not sure that the earth is not the center of the universe either. Prove to me that we are not the center of it all. We are special and have been given divine right to do as we please on earth as long as it is in accordance with Gods will in heaven. We have the right to subdue the land, the water, the air, and the beasts. They are ours to do whatever we want - it is God's will. Pollution is not happening because we are divinely inspired to accomplish industury. If it does happen then it is God's will and he will take care us in the afterlife. God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

See ya around like a doughnut

Cliff Riley

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