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To Agree With Darwinpoodle, Oh The Irony

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Posted by Aaron Viviano on May 15, 2002 22:13:41 UTC

"7. Since there was no living matter before that first cell --- where did the soil come from.

You know nothing about soil formation do you? Do you even know what a pioneer species is? It is a botanical term for a species of plant (normally bryophytes) that are capable of living on solid surfaces and breaking them down. Mosses are good at this. They created most of the soil, such that is found on islands, in a process called primary succession. Maybe you would have heard about it if you would look at nature once in a while or pick up a textbook."

Yes this is a perfectly logical statement.

"5. How did the first cell begin? How did the first cell survive? Since it was the first and only living thing, what did it feed upon? How could it not only survive for millions of years on nothing, but even grow and reproduce. How did sexual reproduction evolve?

This is just flat out ridiculous. Are you serious? Have you ever heard of a process called photosynthesis? How about chemosynthesis? These are called autotrophic organisms and they do not rely on the energy from other organisms to survive feed. Those are called heterotrophic organisms - basic ecology here. Do some reading other than biased creationism Language Removed."

Bias? Where? You are right about the fact that it doesn't need another living thing to live. However this might leave another problem. How many first cells were there. Obviuosly some of them wouldn't have been able to eat at all and this just add to the chances of life not arising.

"9. Just before life appeared, did the atmosphere have oxygen or did it not have oxygen? If yes, where did it come from?

Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis. Organisms use carbon dioxide (which was in abundance) to feed themselves and create sugar. Yes I do believe that photosynthesis has evolved as well. It is not the same as it was in the beginning stages of life. It had to change. Once oxygen was accumulating in our atmosphere is caused a toxic effect and led to the first extinction event. Read a book."

How about the Hobbit or Red Wall. Good books. Yes oxyegen can be cerated in a carbon atmosphere. How ever the carbon you are taking about is produced by us, those who need oxygen. Can you tell me where the other source was?

"Sexual reproduction evolved to increase genetic diversity. I wasn't there so I do not know the exact mechanism of how it happened. I assume it was a trial and error process. It seems logical don't you think? Genetic diversity increases the chances of the total populations survival."

The reason you don't know is because there is no other way to pass genes, but by sexual reproduction. No matter what form. How can something which "allows" evolution to occur in the first place, be evolved. I understand that you have no answer to this. Okay I accept this. However I know that I will apply this same standard to your comments to my answers. Thank you.

May God Bless You

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