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Posted by Sam Patterson on May 13, 2002 16:05:20 UTC

"A common misconception among creationists is that evolutionists think that there was a pile of mud laying somewhere on the primeval Earth when suddendly some atoms lined up just right and POP! A single celled organism appeared. That is absolutely not the case. Complex carbon molecules led to the eventual formation of amino acids, which led to the formation of simple proteins, and so on. If you think this is infinitely unlikely, simple amino acids have been experimentally shown to form when sunlight strikes nebulae or nebulae-like conditions."

I never said that at all. In fact, I didn't say anything, I quoted that answer. And the quote
still was not answered. "...there is no inherent chemical tendency for a series
of bases to line up in the orderly way required for life." That's what I wanted you to answer.
If there is no chemical tendency to line up in a way to make life, then why did they?

"...simple amino acids have been experimentally shown to form..."

Very glad you brought this up. This is good evidence for the creation model, not yours.
What you are saying is that, in a laboratory, which dozens of highly intelecual scientist and
very expensive equipment, someone created the very basic building blocks of life. All that shows is that, with much DESIGN and INTELLEGENCE
someone created amino acids. This life did not arise by chance, as evolutionist say. (No one has created life. Only the very basic Amino acids which have to all line up exacly in the right way for it to even become an simple protien.)

I'm gonna get to those "transitional" links next.
I can't believe you use horse evolution as an example. Once again, this is outdated evidence.
I'll show you what I mean in the next post.

KC2GWX 73's

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