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Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by beelzebub :) on November 16, 1999 13:16:35 UTC |
: : : ...We live in Gods world...Gods universe...He sets the rules...we obey em. He not only is a God of Love but also a God of vengence upon the sinful. He's telling the world surrender and live, rebel and die. Since he offered the ultimate sacrifice on calvary for the propitiation of our sins, He no longer winks at mens rebellion, like he did in ages past before the flood when men did what was right in their own eyes, either you get saved or you die and go to an eternal hell...the choice is all up to us. It was JESUS that taught us that, He taught more on hell and warning the lost than any other preacher on the face of the earth. There is a blessing--- He told us how to escape damnation, its up to us to take it or leave it. There will be a white throne judgement on this earth after the great tribulation, and the 1000 year rule of Jesus Christ on the earth with His saints, where He will rule with a rod of iron and everyone will HAVE to serve Him whether they like it or not. It's God Almighty that makes the decisions, that has ultimate control, ultimate power, and if He wanted to anniliate the human race again, he could, He did it once because of rebellion. How in the world can puny human beings set down here on this earth and make slanderous remarks about God and His Commandments beyond me....You don't know who you're dealing with...satan has blinded your eyes..to blaspheme...to make fun...to not believe in anything thats pure holy and righteous. God owns it all and WE are HIS creation...not HIM ours..(although men have come up with these stupid ideas about who God is and what He's like and make Him a New God to fit their theories..like The Lord said in the Psalms : : : "These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes. 22 Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver. 23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God..... : : : the prophets of old sang loud the songs of repentance and forsaking unbelief. We are reminded that as soon as God delivered His people out of the hands of the Egyptians, that many fell dead because of rebellion, tempting God, Blasphemy, and backbiting. If we harden our heart and stiffin our neck against God and His Christ we will be cut off and that without remedy. : : : Our God is a consuming fire. And "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God" : : : Jesus described hell as a place of torment, where their worm dies not and the flame is not quenched, and it is outer darkness, where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. : : : NO unrighteousness shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven ....if it isn't covered by the Blood of Christ ...God the Father will see it and you will be cast into hell. : : : Like Michael the arc angel said when disputing about the body of Moses didn't bring a railing accusation against him, but said "The Lord Rebuke Thee". : : NO! God is not a consuming fire...God is pure love! To quote the Bible is not a good idea because all what is written in the Bible is manipulated by Humans! : : There is no hell! That is sure! The hell-sotry is absurd! God loves us and would never punish us for „faults“...we are a part of him (our souls are his flesh)! : : God „trains“ us to be ready for the absolute blissfulness. We must go through this worldly „hell“ to understand! We must understand the structure of pain and sorrow... : : He gave us the Bible and in it the solution! We have the key to end this „martyrdom“. Only one thing is absolutely clear: Love and Humility is the way to paradise! : : God will not punish you for what you have said! He will love you always. He will love you all! And when you all will do the same then the miracle is done! : You just simply called God a liar..........I just quoted what He said of Himself beelzebub: You quoted human writings! Would there be a typing error in the Bible you would take it as Gods‘ word? Would the printing machines produce a „worship other Gods“ instead of „don’t worship other Gods“ then you would worship other Gods??? Would I rip off an important side of your Bible would I have changed Gods‘ Word then? Do you really think humans who practiced inquisiton and initiated crusades would have scruple to manipulate and „correct“ a Bible? The Bible cannot survive 2000 years without transformation. Would the Bible be pure God-Speech then there would not be open questions in it...everybody would understand every word and story easily! God has given the idea to Humans and they wrote it down, they copied and translated it again and again... Not every Word is God! Only the main message is God, because that message survived the ages of terror! Not the words are important, only the message is important. And everybody can understand the message! There is no doubt! That’s why the Bible is divine! |
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