There's no point in trying to establish a permanent state of affairs, but to make
a just peace in our time may require standing firm on principles of fairness and security. Warfare has raged across the world so many times.
Our political solutions cannot rest on favoring anyone's "life philosophy" or religion. That is not the business of diplomacy. Our political solutions must rest on keeping the realities of peace and individual justice at the highest level of integrity we can manage. There are no special group rights which are not limited at the border of each individuals. The group may not deprive the individual of anything in life except by a standard by which all individuals in the group may be so deprived. A single standard is necessary, and it does not exist in our varying religions and varying cultures and varying histories. It only exists in universal principles which are generic...approachable with roots in our religions, but describable WITHOUT reference to our religions or life philosophies.
Whose land is it? The face of the globe has been rearranged many times by war, invasion, intermarrying, and trade. But never has the world been so crowded with humans. There are three times as many persons in the world as in
1948. The land is so crowded. Can we give back everyone's land? It cannot be sorted out.
More recently, World Wars were destructive of individuals and cultures and yet very little territory changed hands. The unique situation in the middle east is partly about numbers. But more importantly, it is about each individual person.
What matters is today. If the Dead could speak, would they not be most interested in the benefit to their loved ones still in the world, rather than vengeance by either side? What will create this happier world for people living and for the future? Are we going to create peace by politically taking away land won by military action? Then may be license further military action, and continuing military action...forever ! Better idea: establish true peace and justice which give religion and philosophy no excuse for violating individual persons. How can this be?
It's impossible...but we can propose our best partial solutions and promise continuing improvement...make conditional promises you intend to keep...
There is no "solution"...only the best we can do
and keep trying forever.
This "best" will be better if the business of
government is based on peace and justice for individuals (including freedom of speech) instead of on religion or philosophy. Let the other ones have their philosophy, and establish
an honest standard of law independent of religion.
Where is the honesty and wisdom for this standard to be found? To paraphrase what Schiller wrote in the Ode to Joy..."surely (It) must dwell beyond the Stars !" Unless we see beyond our own poor ignorance to the grandeur of the wider opportunity, we shall perish in lower and lower conditions. I apologize for the extent to which I am mistaken, if any. This was offered in good faith.
For an interesting article about the perils of
proposing a permanent solution in the best of times: |