If I had you here right now, I would hit you up the side of your head with a raw fish! I started reading your post; knowing that you have an excellent handle on exact detailed presentation of abstract concepts, I started, paragraph by paragraph, accumulating exactly what you were saying; concentrating very hard on keeping the whole picture in my head (not an easy job for someone as close to senility as I) and, just as I begin to get to the point where I am expecting you to bring it all together with some deep succinct expression of the fundamental underlying issue, I run into paragraph 21: "I will stop at this point since I think this is enough to chew on for a while". At that point, this massive complex body of abstract relations just bursts like a balloon full of cold water, flooding down around my ears like a flood.
It’s all gone! I don’t know what you said and I am not about to go back and try and set it up again. I know that I was able to map everything you said into what I was saying, but, as far as I am concerned, you never broached the issue I was referring to. Go look at the two threads below with the exchanges posted while you were in the mountains.
No, seriously, I will read your post over carefully later and see what kind of response seems rational. Right now, Diantha is trying to get me off this machine. She wants to go out to dinner.
Have fun -- Dick |