Mr. Spaz wrote
"The reason the world has these problems is in part because persons who cannot properly assemble information have, through PC criminal conspiracies, shoved persons like myself out of the way and taken all the jobs in the network."
I have been in this forum for a few weeks and I have yet to see you properly document anything you write in here. I assemble my information from textbooks, popular science books and magazines, professors, and intelligent T.V. programming.
Is there some magical textbook out there that you assemble your information from that is different than the rest of ours. You are paranoid!! I have thought that from day one.
"PC criminal conspiracies" - Are you one of those guys that thinks there is a face on Mars built by aliens or do you think that planet "X" is going to come in close to the inner planets and disrupt our oceanic and continental crustal movements? What network are you referring to? Is the "network" like the "matrix"? Spooky!!
Mr. Spaz wrote
"University professors and politicians and all kinds of folks have the same habits with information that you have...and they'll lie, cheat and steal to keep their position."
That is such a vast generalization!! I can't believe someone with such high standards for proof would utter such trash. I have never lied or cheated to get where I am in life. I have worked hard and walked the straight and narrow path to get where I am. How dare you accuse me of such actions. Balderdash!! You have a chip on your shoulder the size of your gigantic ego. Maybe it is you that needs the Prozac.
Mr. Spaz wrote
"Those jungle bunnies come in all colors !"
Thank you for that. I am sure the term jungle bunnie goes right along with your other tight and precise logical terms.
See ya around like a doughnut
Scotty Riley |