This is my opinion of what goes on quite often in this discussion forum. There seems to be a lot of "hair splitting" taking place and that is what annoys all parties.
For instance - someone might ask you a question like "what is the temperature outside today". A standard reply might be "50".
People all over the country would understand that the person meant 50 degrees Farenheight. (Although mike might say what about Celsius, sorry, I know it is ridiculous that we use the archaic system, but we do so keep quiet) Why? Because it is common language and crosses all social barriers. Some people in this forum, names not given, in an attempt to sound very academic, would say that is sloppy logic henceforth nothing coming from you is worthy of my attention.
I understand the process of logic and rational thinking requires and necessitates step-by-step formal, operational thinking, but come on. The nit picking that takes place here is so obscure that communication is nearly impossible. Opinions, assertions, facts, observations, and all other modes of addressing each other in this forum must be common to each other; otherwise nobody will ever get a point across.
If I say it is 50 outside, then it means 50 and everyone in here knows it, but some choose to fight the point to raise their obviously infinitely low self-esteem. Common language is a must for communication - it is not sloppy logic just common sense.
Question -
An ellipse - it is not a circle because it has more than 1 foci.
The relationship of the earth to the sun is an elliptical orbit. What is the other focus of the ellipse if the sun is at 1 focus? I understand why it is not a circle because that would imply the earth is always equal distances from the sun no matter where it was located. The earth has a perihelion and an aphelion and Keplers 1st law of planetary motion describes this phenomena. But what is the other focus of the ellipse. I know I must be overlooking the obvious. Or maybe I just don't understand my geometry. Either way I know someone will enlighten me.
Thanks - Scott