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Distaste Of Mind

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Posted by Aurino Souza on April 10, 2002 20:20:36 UTC

Is there a one to one correspondence between someone's thoughts and the physical state of their brain, such as the positions of cells and the electrical states of neurons?

I don't know the answer to that question, but I know this much: in order to establish a clear relationship between the subjective phenomenom we call thought and any objective phenomena, you must be able to simultaneously observe both. Now how exactly would you do that? It's impossible! How can you observe someone's thoughts and still be able to tell them from your own thoughts?

The answer to the question is that it has no knowable answer.

If so, would it be theoretically possible to "program" someone to think a certain thought by manipulating their physical components?

There are easier ways to program someone's thougths. Show a man the picture of a naked woman and I can tell you what they'll be thinking about 999 our 1,000 cases. It's the basis of advertising.

Could there be a "collective consciousness" to the universe that none of us are aware of?

If none of us is aware of then it isn't collective!

If not, does the thought really exist in the physical world?

I would say more likely it's the physical world which exists in thought. I personally am not aware of anything that is not an idea in my mind.

I'm curious to see what opinions people have.

Except for the naked woman thing, nothing I said is an opinion. Just don't take it too seriously, OK?



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