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Re: Are You For Real Don?!
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by Lee on November 5, 1999 18:36:35 UTC |
: "America has only been in existance...200 or so years...(an ex Hindu Indian told me this) India has been there for 3000 : years...?? not sure of the number..and he says because this is a Christian nation...founded that way.....and for the most part remained that : way...gettin worse tho..and you'll see us go down as that happens.....anyway...says that because this is a Christian nation...God has blessed us : more abundantly than any nation on the earth and that within 200 years..we have advanced more technologically than any nation on the earth : ...(especially) india...now this was an Indian telling me this...course he had gotten saved and moved over here...to worship freely...also...he : states..and it can be proved that all the disciples of Christ went to all the various lands and introduced Christ...and that even Christ after His : resurrection came here to teach the indian chiefs...but later they paganized His teachings ...and fell....and that all the disciples that went to these : countries that rejected the teachings of Jesus and the plan of salvation usually killed the disciple...Thomas being an example of the one who : went to India....and that the scripture is true that "all have heard..." and that missionary after missionary has been sent to all the lands since : then...but as a Country..they still reject...even tho some of the people within the land are saved...."God has made Christ the head of the church : (which is the Body of Believers)" : : Okay, Let's make certain I have my facts straight. You're saying that America is "blessed" in being a Christain nation as you put it, and you also suggest that God has rewarded America for this fact (ie. more technologically advanced), true? If so, then frankly your conception of God is laughable. God rewards and punishes countries on mere basis of those that believe him? : Why don't you ask yourself why America is so technologically advanced? It's because America is exceedingly imperialist. America extends it's power globally, and exploits "lesser" countries, be it economical, cultural, or even through military force. America has done some very nasty things indeed, and you insist that God rewards her with even more power and luxury. : Your second point made reference to how Jesus spread Christianity to the native people of america. If you mean that in a figurative sense then, okay I agree. But if by that you mean Jesus physically came down from his little cloud to "educate" native americans about the "truth" then you are sadly mistaken. The bible is spread by people. This is yet another form of imperialism. Natives had their own religion and rituals until Europeans came and destroyed it all. All in the name of Christ. It's yet another way the power exploit the underprivilaged. : You see the all the pros that bring benefit to americans and Christains, yet ignore all it's reprecussion to the rest of the world. Your view of God claims, that he also does the same. That view of God is absolutely contemptable. : What kind of a God do you really believe in Don?
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