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Well, I Feel Sorry For You Harv!

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Posted by Richard D. Stafford, Ph.D. on March 27, 2002 12:00:17 UTC

Hi Harv,

***I'm sorry, but we just aren't communicating.***

I have known that for a long time!

***I have no idea what problem you are referring to.***

The problem of solving problems! Do you truly believe that problem is solved?

***I don't even know why you think there is a problem unless you tell me step by step how you come to this 'problem'.***

Life is full of problems! Do you truly believe that no new problems will arise? If that is so, you must understand everything and I wish you would explain it to me.

***Certainly you must use some inductive reasoning to realize there is a problem, right?***

Inductive reasoning? Sure! Mankind has solved problems in the past and I presume problems will be solved in the future! Does that seem like an irrational concept to you?

***On a napkin just write down what leads you to think there is a problem (step by step) and simply relay that to me.***

I just did!!

***I guess we can't go any further here.***

Not if you are not interested in understanding what I did! As I said, there are only two paths which are rational to take! First, we could agree to disagree and forget this whole discourse which sure is the easy out. Or, I could show you what I propose to do and then, when I finish, and you understand what I have done you can decide for yourself if you think what I did was useful or not.

***At first I thought there was one particular philosophical issue of science that you were trying to solve, but now I'm not so sure.***

You were the one who came up with the idea that I was trying to solve some philosophical issue! As far as I was concerned, I was solving a very particular problem. On the other hand, having solved that problem, I think personally that what I have found does indeed have some profound philosophical consequences. That is, my original path had nothing to do with solving any philosophical issues; however, knowing what I know now, my philosophical perspective is quite different than what it once was. But, if you can’t understand what I propose, you certainly have no chance of even begining to comprehend the consequences of what I have discovered.

***All I am sure of is that there is a problem that you have no idea why you know it and no idea why you are trying to solve it.***

The problem I propose to discuss is very simple. What can I do which will prepare me to answer a question in the future if I have no idea what that question will be?

You apparently stand steadfast behind the idea that "nothing of value can be done" and have no desire whatsoever to consider thinking otherwise! So, I guess blissful ignorance is it’s own reward.

Have fun -- Dick

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