Elite Military Researchers Visit Danish IT Enterprises
From 25 February to 1 March 2002, a delegation of 7 elite researchers
visited Danish enterprises and research centers involved in information
technology (IT). All researchers came from former military research
installations in Russia and Belarus: VNIIEF (formerly Arzamas 16 in Sarov);
VNIITF (Chelyabinsk 70) which were engaged in development and production of
nuclear weapons; and the Institute of Engineering Cybernetics in Minsk,
which developed missile steering systems.
The delegation visited a number of Danish enterprises working with IT and
the application of IT. These include Targit in Hjoerring, where Morten
Middelfart, Senior Vice President R&D stated:
The delegation furthermore visited Aalborg University, Aarhus Science Park,
Carlo Gavazzi A/S, Dansk Geofysik, Unisense, Mobile Nutrients, Medical
Insight, and LCI Technology.Torben Rochat, International Product Manager of
Carlo Gavazzi commented:
The objective of the visit is to establish contacts in the area of
information technologies in order to investigate opportunities for project
collaboration. The researchers are coming from nuclear research facilities
in Russia and Belarus which are closed to outside access. Therefore, the
scientists are very keen to find new partners and companies interested in
commercial opportunities.
The experts are specialized in the following fields:
Neural Networks
Data Mining
Speech Recognition
Intrusion detection
Computer modeling
Functional brain imaging
Sensors and photoelectric sensors
Medical information systems
The visit was organized in cooperation between EuroCenter, Ministry for
Science, Technology and Innovation (http://www.eurocenter.schultz.dk), and
the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) in Moscow. (
For more information:
Henrik Lyshoej Dam
Tel: 33 76 58 47
Mobile: 23 63 81 78
Anne Marie Dalgaard
Tel: +7 095 797 60 24
Mobile: +49 170 206 53 60
Photo Caption: Participants in the Danish IT Enterprise Visit
(See attached file: Denmark IT.JPG)