60. It appears that there is a close similarity between the following:
(1) R. Stafford diagram of: (reality, alternate reality) / (senses, alternate senses) / (mental image, fundamental transform)
(2) pair of options / pair of options / pair of options comparing the first two pairs
(3) Penrose triangle (an "impossible object") one triangle-interchanged so that it is effectively two triangles (3-sides) interacting giving two perspectives for each of three sides
(4) Exchange of views of two 3-in-1 objects. Numerous symmetry tables can be obtained; especially 6 groups of 5 groups of 4 triplets; 6 ten-groups of mirror-pair 3-in-1 objects; DNA-like special arrays of 4 rows of 3-in-1 objects such that none of the 3 states repeats in a column or row in the 3x4 array, this table can have 11 unique rotations includng split rotations; (possibility of 10-11 interchange explanation of string theory here? As each state in each triplet from the 11 special 3x4 tables can have 10 dimensions from the 6 ten-groups tables)
(5) Square knot (that describes a 3-D space-cube, as a 2-D version is literally a square) Two threads enter, form two pairs of twists linked by a pair of loops. A loose square knot pattern reflects symmetrically in one dividing plane, and asymmetrically in another plane at right angles to the symmetrical plane. One thread goes: over, under, over; over, under, over / the other goes: under, over, under; under, over, under.
(6) John Cramer interpretation of quantum mechanics (two wave origins; two waves (offer wave, confirmation wave); mutual (two-way) agreement
(7) Christopher Langan's CTMU: two-way exchange between global and local consciousness in freedom-creation
(8) Complex numbers: Two eyes open looking at one finger placed just in front of one's nose: gives a superposition. Two options, close one eye, close other eye instead. New view is minus one of those options yet that minus 1 may be regarded as coming from a combination at the two-eyes view, thus each combination might be represented as square root of -1 (of which there are two such combinations in the two-eye view, the other being the complex-conjugate).
(9) Foundations of Mathematics: 1 + 1 = 2 means: pair: this one, that one; alternative order pair: that one, this one; 2-perspective gives choice of two orders. Already both ones are in the game (created), now you have pair: any choice, any choice; so any number. E.g. choose this one 1000 times, then chose that one 1 time. Numbers not expressible as ratios, involve jumps between categories so are inter-dimensional. E.g. this two (cateory) of those twos (different category) gives intersection 4 (new category). Square root of 4 is an intersection of categories. Square root of 2 is also an intersection of categories, not a ratio within one category. On a graph, a root of a function is an intersection. Pi may be both inter-dimensional and self-referential; e.g. three-in-one (circumference, diameter, area).
61. Apparently Schrodinger's equation, Dirac's equation, Einstein's E = mc squared, Newton's F = G (m1m2 / r squared) (Gravitation equation) are all very directly present in the: pair of options, pair of options, comparison pair of options (infinite options); thus present in the Stafford diagram and obtainable by definition.
Also present: quark structure, quantum spin, quantum numbers, quantum theory, relativity, gravitation, most likely all mathematics, physics, and more. Note: Christianity teaches that God is Love is Existence is Three persons In One. From the Consciousness of the Infinite, all creation comes.
62. Schrodinger's equation: A 2-D weighted view of the possibilities of a 2-D or more system as seen in the mirror of a reference 2-D system. "2-D weighted" accounts for the fact that the wave function describes a "cloud" of possible views of then-now, associated with a number of variables specific for the system being studied.
There are many different systems so many equations; and many solutions describing possible states of the system in question. "Time" is a reference-then-now state to the examined then-now state. A solution will give the probability density of finding a particular then-now event, per any then-now-event per then-now.
63. Speed:
Speed: distance per time.
"Time" always involves a reference distance, for example; the distance the Earth rotates, the distance a clock hand moves, the distance a caesium atom or quartz crystal vibrates.
A curious thing: what is the reference distance involved in the term a "second"? On one clock-face it may be 2 mm; on another it may be 1 cm; on a giant clock it might be a meter or conceptually could be a kilometer if a clock-face was big enough.
64. So a "second" can be any size? No (except involving that it can be any speed), because "second" refers to the DENSITY of the original measured distance IN THE REFERENCE DISTANCE. Example: a car moves 1 meter in one second using a big clock where the second-hand actually travels a reference meter. So a 1-to-1 mapping of density.
65. To maintain a 1 to 1 comparison "second" to the big clock; a smaller-clock measuring the same car-meter-travel cannot have its hand move an actual meter on its little clock-face for its "second" (unless it spun very fast, so its 'second' very dense). It may be say 1/100th of a meter on its little clock-face for its second.
This way the two clocks will both give the same CONSTANT 1 to 1 MATCH between clocks, for the 1 match of a car-travel-meter (per clock-reference-distance), taking account the frequency (density) of car-meters per 60 divisions (seconds) of the clock-face from one clock to the next; and the velocity of the clock-hand (frequency of 60 divisions passing per car-travel-meter) from one car-travel measurement to the next.
One clock gives 1 car meter for 1 clock meter; the other little clock gives say 1/100th of a clock-meter (or a 100 times faster clock-meter scan) per car-meter. (Note the inter-related freedoms: The clock-hand can go any speed or any distance, so long as those two freedoms complement and give a 1 to 1 car-meter to clock-second-as-a-meter-density with consistent-ratio known between readings.
The car-meter can be any number of clock meters, or the clock-meter can be any number of car-meters, provided a matching adjustment is made in the clock-hand speed and distance-travelled freedoms. A free agreement between three freedoms creates one constant.
In this regard, it appears that G, c, and h, are each free to be any value, and are free to agree and create a constant.
66. A gigantic clock face might have its "second" travel over 1 km while the car travelled its meter. To match 1 to 1, all the clocks need to give a clock-face-size and hand-speed, car-meter density of that, so as to reflect the size (or hand-speed) of the particular clock. Note what is appearing: relativity, quantum electrodynamics (density of action); gravity (action of density).
67. To measure a car's speed; you need to know what distance it went in terms of a reference distance; and to make comparisons you must fix the gauge of this ratio so that a bigger clock will have its second hand go more of the car's meters on its clock face per car-travels meter.
In this way the clock is kind of the mirror of the car's speed, and the clock must go more meters per "clock-second" the larger the clock is; so that the car-meters per clock-second remains CONSTANT. The other option for comparing different clocks is that the new clock-hand goes faster (on the circumference) or slower than the first clock, to ensure it covers a cetain constant ratio per car travel meter (to allow comparison with other-size clocks).
Of course, a typical clock-face has a hand that goes faster according to where along the length of that hand you measure its speed. And such a typical clock hand sweeps a longer distance the bigger the area of that clock-face you consider. So a typical clock automatically contains many choices of reference-distance/speed for the value "a second".
A typical clock "second" thus is such that speed, distance per time, is distance per clock-hand speed/clock-hand-distance; so is distance of car per distance of clock-hand per distance of hand-reference-point from clock-center
So speed is: distance per distance, per a distance between zero and infinity
Comparing different size clocks, know what the ratio is, and the new clock can be any speed or any size. So can the first clock, and so can the car. The key is a constant from three freedoms. There appears to be a freedom here to see three different views of that constant: G (gravitational), c (communicational), and h (quantization).
68. A speed then is a distance per itself reflected so-many times per itself. Including direction, velocity thus is a localisation of density ; a form of mass. I guess a mass is a localisation of velocity.
Two moving objects:
Usually with moving objects you can add the velocities. Speed 1: distance per number of reflections of that distance in ANY reference distance + speed 2: distance per number of reflections of that distance in ANY reference distance = combine the speeds but the "ANY reference distance" must be THE SAME CHOICE for each speed. So using a clock, the same clock say with second-hand moving a cm for its second, must be used.(If a different clock is used, need to know the clocks ratio, and that RATIO is effectively a "same clock".)
69. Effectively there were three clock's (lengths); the object A whose speed was measured (eg. a meter travelled. From B's view, that's 100B), the chosen clock B (e.g. clock-hand moves 1 cm on B, so to A, it's a 1/100th A), and the clock C expressing a 1 to 1 comparison of A and B so that A and B can be expressed in terms of each other.
The 1 to 1 is itself an oscillator-like self-referent clock C.
70. One length connects car-here to car-there (a number ratio car to clock); one length connects clock-hand-here to clock-hand-there (a number ratio clock to car); and one length holds these two lengths in a constant ratio (the clock-length compared to itself, unit constant, clock-face not growing or shrinking; hands not speeding or slowing, between measurements.)
(At least, the clock-face may incease, decrease in size; and speed slow or increase, provided net result is constant ratio to A and B. A and B may also vary, provided all the freedoms agree to create a constant freedom: the speed. The "speed" may co-operate with the three freedoms in the exercise of its own freedom; so an idea here how a free human is created and creates in harmony with the Creator who is the freedom of Existence, Three Beings in One).
Three lengths, seen in terms of the others as accelerations, might vary to give the same result in different ways; but a ratio will occur between succesive result-ratios so as to build up a structure of ratios bound by logical consistency.
71. Direction:
Consider an arrow representing a direction. A second arrow represents a different direction. To measure each direction against the other requires action, bringing the arrows together to a common origin. Then they are fixed against each other, with respect to the mutual coming together direction. The origin is also a constant direction directed inwards, when two measurements are made but with the same origin.
72. Mass is localised velocity. Apparently c (speed of light) can be any value. Note that squaring something involves reflecting it twice in a mirror of that double-reflection. (E.g. 2 x 2 = this two of those 2s, that 2 of these twos, seen as both alternatives allowed (the category 4))."C" squared is: (this c reflected in that c ) REFLECTING (that c reflected in this c ) so for example: (small v x large v) x (large v x small v). Mc squared is thus mass x localised "stopped" velocity, that is mass x all alternatives of juggled velocities. That is the localised mass, or bunch of intersections of the "clouds" of alternative velocities, is the intrinsic energy.
73. In a Chess game, this would be: Energy of a gameplan strategy is the mass of moves done x all the alternative strategies related to each combination within the moves made. If you reverse all the moves back to square one, you release all that energy of move-potential-relationships back into the game.
So E = mc squared is mass (pair (option) per any localised amount of pairs (options)/ 1 energy value/ all alternative options.
This is like a (2-D view / any 2-D view) x all alternative 2-D views which is Shrodinger's equation, found to be maybe basically the same as E = mc squared.
74. Speed Of Light:
An object with mass, with size, when travelling is like the tracks on a tractor. The tractor moves but the tracks on the ground are stationary while on the ground, as the tractor moves over them. That stationary-ness is exactly negative the velocity of the tractor (subtract the tractor's velocity from itself and you get zero).
Two tractors can move at any speed relative to each other, yet their tracks on the ground are stationary, and match constantly to each other via the ground. If the "ground" were regarded as a third tractor, any two tractors have stationary tracks relative the tracks of a third.
It seems that when the speed of light is measured, it always involves three light speeds that perhaps could be anything; but produce collectively a constant figure, which represents a ratio of G gravitation constant to h Planck's constant. That is, the speed of light may be a constant match between the action of density and the density of action. This interpretation seems to produce the observed relations.
75. Newton's Universal Gravitation Equation:
Consider two tractors, one lays down 3 segments of track stationary to each 1 segment laid down by the other tractor. Consider that a segment of track can be Planck's constant h. Mass would be the frequency of one tractor's track relative to the other's, which depends on the other tractor's speed.
You could vary the size of the tractor track-segment (h); or vary the relative speed of the tractors (say "c"); or the number of one tractor's track-segments per the other (say "mass)"; so long as you adjusted two of the three variables to keep the same constant result. Maybe the constants c, G, and h; can be any value; and are always found expressed in a way reducible to being one of them in terms of the other two?
76. Maybe people don't notice that result, because a mirror, called "time" appears throughout physics equations ; at times encoded into both sides of equations, creating a "tunnel of mirrors effect" (infinities)? Physics may be self-referent through and through. F = G (m1m2/r squared) may be F = h (m1m2/ r squared) may be: h times (m1 reflects m2 / m2 reflects m1) may be h x 1 = h. So that would give F = h = can be anything! That is, h may represent the constant of freedom. C, G, and h may be different views of infinity, different views of freedom.
77. Planck's constant h has dimensions of action: joules/seconds or kg-meter/second-meters. Since "second" is reference ratio-meter or density-meter effectively it is mass-meters. So we have kg-meter/mass-meter, which is mass-meter/mass-meter! So Planck's constant is really expressed as a double-reflection! Maybe it's like this: Gravitational constant (mass reflection in meter reflection)(action of density) and speed of light constant (meter reflection in mass reflection) (relativity) and a mutual reflection constant (h)(density of action)(QED).
78. A "second" involves "unknown data" and can be any length as can be on any size clock-face (or can use a point any distance along clock-hand from clock center, sweeping different length at different speed); but once a particular clock-second is chosen; a bigger clock must either have its hand move faster to maintain 1 to 1 second-unit with smaller clock; or the distance the hand travels must be increased to many times that which the hand on the small clock travels to get 1 to 1 match. Actually, both these are the same; faster means further per 1:1 clock match; and further means faster per 1:1 clock match (small to big clocks).
79. Dirac Equation:
Speed: "Meters per second" is "meters per (meters amount in any-size second) so as there is an agreement between meter and second to maintain a ratio. Direction: Direction per (direction reinforcement per any direction) so as there is an agreement between direction and angle to maintain a ratio between two directions.
Velocity: meter-direction?
meter (a) direction (x) per (C) meter (b) direction (y)
The "per (C)" relationship is 1st quantum number? (Of changing variable)
The "meter (a)" per (C) "meter (b) direction (y)" is 2nd quantum number? (Of orbit of meter per meter-direction).
The "quantum no. 2 per direction (x)" is precession of orbit plane so is quantum number 3?
The double options give quantum number 4? Where the above could have been: quantum no. 1 as " meter-b,direction-y" vary to "a,x"; quantum no.2 as "meter-b" orbit "meter-a, direction-x"; quantum no. 3 as "precession of this alternative quantum number 2 plane about "direction-x".
80. "Meter-direction PER meter-direction" may be also "PER meter-direction" ; with any "meter-direction" free to be any meter and any direction. The Dirac equations four operators may be reflected in the: option pair; option pair; comparison option pair freedom; a pattern of the Schrodinger Equation.
This diagram seems relevant: draw a triangle with three sides, one of which involves a pair of lines. Draw a single dash at each of two corners at ends of the 'pair of lines'-side, and a double dash at the third corner. "Spin" may be seen as "scanning".
81. More "definition dynamics":
One may regard a perfect absorber and emiter of definitions as a "definition blackbody" or "definition cavity". Since physics concepts often involve definitions; one might say that a definition can do what the physics can do, in "definition space"."Wave" can be "category" generated at an intersection of categories, "particle" can be "intersection" of intersections of categories.
One can look at a definition as an intersection (of categories), or as a category itself with degrees of freedom.
In wave mechanics (qm), the intensity of the electron wave (electron categories) gives probability of an electron (intersection) being at some point. It depends how your observation intersects with the electron categories as to where the actual intersection will be.
82. To explore, the physicist applies categories and looks for intersections, so; the patterns of physics might be found by analysing what patterns you may get when logically consistent categories intersect?
Since square knots describe 3-D space; one might construct a net of such knots. One might make a cubic lattice of such knots, and connected knot-structures in the lattice might be like the "liquid crystals in a lattice" ideas of physicist Harold Aspden. Rubik's-cube rules for transformations (corner twirls etc.) might provide a model of physics transformations.
"Time" may represent self-reference with respect to infinity.
83. Fermions: may be category intersections (matter). Bosons: intersections of intersections. In the Chess model: during a Chess game, there is a cloud of possible moves associated with each state of play on the board. This cloud changes from move to move. New possibilities appear (virtual moves), others dissapear (annihilated by anti-matter virtual moves from intersecting game-plans as constraints and freedoms of differing strategic plans interact).
84. Chess moves exclude each other (as in Pauli exclusion principle) and build up the "matter" of actual placings on the board. Associated with Chess "matter" are clouds of related strategic opportunities and constraints.
Virtual Chess positions can be regarded as bosons. Bosons aggregate together to build up strategy fields, when exchanged between game-plans as virtual moves. In Chess, a plan may involve prserving certain options (e.g. a bosonic force field of keeping the option of 'Castling' open, may steer one's plans).
85. A Bose-Einstein particle may be like: leaving a piece at one place on the board through many moves, building up a superposition in strategy-space of that actual piece through many strategy cloud changes. A boson phase loop doubles over (2 possible positions coincide) to give an actual Chess position (fermion loop).
Measure the spin of strategy-possibilities surrounding a particle in a particular strategic direction and you observe a specific number of related strategy-directions or none? Why the spin of a fermion (intersection) is a half? Because it is an intersection (two directions). It is an intersection of possible moves in different strategies (universes). So "many worlds" in qm translates to "many strategies" in Chess model of qm.
86. A particle with spin half together with its anti-particle is said to form a spinor (state vector with four components). This might be as follows: a boson intersection can be the intersection of two possible move-bunches; and being from two different strategy-clouds they might be mutually exclusive as other parts of the strategies may interfere. So one boson may annihalate its anti-particle; and for neither of these little bunches of moves to occur may require a strategy different from either source-strategy thus a release of strategy energy.
The anti-boson and boson are each reflections of the other going backwards in Chess-stategy-time to a re-juggled strategy.
Two directions of spin can be: towards one strategy or towards another. EPR and double-slit experiments could be represented in terms of Chess moves and associated changes in freedoms/constraints with interactions of alternative strategies and possibilities.
Chess gravity?: overlap of your ongoing strategy and the strategy overlap between two strategy clouds associated with masses of actual moves; as game advances that overlap strategy-distance between the masses decreases?
87. The four quantum numbers may be modelled by looking at relationships of various types in: a strategy cloud intersecting with another; and that intersection itself intersecting a similar such intersection. Physics may be like a jigsaw puzzle: assigning pieces (intersections) to preferred categories; and building up categories around intersections. Sometimes the category-boundaries get juggled to better fit the pieces.
88. Physics answers in front of one's nose? Bring a finger up to one's nose: two distances: relativity. Near, you get a superposition quantum-fuzzy result: QED. Move it away, comes together (gravity?). Or: With finger by one's nose; open two eyes: QED (quantum fuzziness. Close one eye: gravitational
condensation? Swap closed/opened eyes: relativity? Gravity due to a change in perspective? The power of physics and mathematics comes from the honesty, the logical consistency; thus comes from Existence, God.
89. Recalling the clarified Schrodinger's equation: A 2-D weighted view of the possibilities of a 2-D or more system as seen in the mirror of a reference 2-D system.
It appears that this equation is three equations in ONE. It appears that Newton’s universal gravitation equation (F = G m1m2 / r squared), Einstein’s Mass-Energy equation (E = Mc squared), and Dirac’s equation (involves Energy and four quantum numbers), are all present in Shrodinger’s equation.
A 2-D VIEW OF A RATE OF CHANGE (so 2-D x density)(so “G” as the “2-D view” x “m1m2/ r squared” as the “density”)(so G x m1m2/ r squared)
OF THE 2-D WEIGHTED ALTERNATIVES OPEN TO THE SYSTEM (so 2-D weighted permutations and combinations)(thus a constant speed, that is size per reference size)(so “c” is the 2-D constant speed through all the alternatives)( so “c squared” covers permutations and combinations?)(So if “alternatives” is “Energy”, and “combinations” is “mass”, then E = mc squared)(combinations times 2-D times 2-D gives permutations of combinations gives alternatives (Energy))(so energy is 4-D mass or hyper-mass)
PER REFERENCE 2-D view (TIME) (jump from one view to the next, so jump in perspective, so Planck’s constant “h” as this “2-D”)(Dirac equation quantum numbers: the time jump as quantum number 1; the orbit of permutations around the combinations as quantum number 2; the precession of that orbit with changing combinations as quantum number 3; the 2-D view of the rate of change (density) as quantum number 4)
Apparantly the three equations in ONE describe a double helix (orbit, precession, double-valuedness, principle quantum jumps involving 4 “bases” and three triplets, where 3 Freedoms create a 4th freedom, the Creator creates one in freedom, one makes a choice, and the Creator creates one in freedom at the next step).
One wonders if the comparison of physics subatomic particle interactions to interactions in the creative thoughts surrounding Chess moves, may mean that somehow the sub-atomic physicist is vaguely perceiving the Creator’s thoughts as He ponders His next move? Or is the physicist seeing his own thought-patterns?
Physicists treat each particle (electrons, nucleons, etc.) as a wave function. Each particle appears to be a bunch of alternatives, about freedom.
Consider the question of “direction”. One arrow in space. A second arrow must be placed to originate at the same origin as the first, in order to fix the relative directions of the two to each other. This system makes a change. Now if the origin did not change, it has done the equivalent of going anywhere (e.g. to Sirius) and coming back again!
Although it doesn’t look like an arrow, the origin is the self-referent “arrow” that stayed constant. Suppose it didn’t stay constant, but became some length and direction. The two other arrows would be in different planes. But one of them could have anchored everything by compensating such as to become a new origin.
The three arrows maybe have 27 arrangements; perhaps as well as the quark colours and flavours that have 3x3x3 symmetry, a change from 27 to 27 gives 26 options from the view of 1 option- 26-D theory fits here?
90. Planck’s constant is measured in joule-seconds, that is: kilowatt-hour seconds, that is: ft. times pound force second, that is: meter times tension second, that is: (since “second” is reference-meter in freedom) meter x tension JUMPS to meter x tension.
Tension is force is mass x acceleration, is: mass x meter / meter/ meter, is: mass/ m
Gravitational constant is in Newton.meters squared/ kg squared, is: pascal/ kg squared, is: unit of pressure thus force x area / kg squared.
The kg squared is a “mass area” or higher dimension mass: “hypermass”, that is “energy”.
So Newton meters squared / kg squared = Force x area/ mass x mass
Force = mass x acceleration = mass times meter/ meter as time, (with freedom)/ per meter as time, (with freedom)
So Force x area = mass x m/ m/ m x area m x m = mass / m x area m x m =
mass x m
So G = mass x m / mass x mass
So G = mass/mass x m/mass = 1 x m/mass = m/mass
So G has dimensions meter per mass, so “space curvature”?
Since Force = mass/m , then G = 1/force
Given h is force x m x m ,then h is mass/m x m x m , is mass x m.
So Planck’s constant has dimensions mass of meter, linear space density, represents the area of space?
Speed of light c is m / m
G = m/ mass, c = m/m, and h = mass x m
Then G/h = m/mass x mass x m = m x m
Since c = m/m then m cubed is G/h so c cubed is G/h?
So c represents the curvature / area so maybe c involves the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, pi? Maybe c represents the volume of 3-D space?
A clock hand may, at the tip say, go any distance at any speed, but is fixed stationary at the origin. If the origin did move along a direction, the clock hand would twist out of a plane and would be shortened in travel from that plane’s perspective.
-Alan |