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Posted by Alan on March 7, 2002 08:17:28 UTC

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the comments. Quoting: "What is the purpose of our attempts to gain access to powers of nature at the cosmological level? Is it so that we will comprehend ourselves better, or gain personal power, or are we just on an interesting tangent? "

I can only speak personally: I am not trying to gain access to the powers of nature for empire building; I am part of nature as are we all. I am trying to clear away the fog of fear and confusion; so you could say "trying to harmonise my existence with nature". On this website I am often "on an interesting tangent".

I posted some stuff at Counterbalance, must be a year or more ago, about stuff I had discovered; hoping to get challenging criticism that might expose any errors or inconsistencies. Luis Hamburgh wrote a challenging critique to my stuff; it was in figuring out a defence that I made some fresh discoveries.

Throw Dr. Dick's insights into the mix; and stuff I've read in popular physics books (like "Shadows Of The Mind" by Roger Penrose) (thanks Paul for the book tip); and insights just keep occuring to me. So I'm on a tangent of discovery; the answer to everything is Existence which includes Love, Freedom. No need to pursure power or build false empires; seek honesty, let be, and all other things are added is how it works I understand.

A relatively early discovery was of a way of analysing physics puzzles that seemed to have astonishing resolving power. No time to explain much now; but at last I think (just yesterday, today)I've largely cracked the mystery of Dr. Dick's system and it is apparantly basically a sophisticated version of what I found.

My earlier system was: draw a representation of a "musical chairs game" (quantized oscillation field)(Dr. Dick's arbitrary set of numbers); draw a second such field; join the dots between them (the field can be moving relative to each other and can contain sub-fields). The "join the dots field" forms a third "musical chairs field".

"Know the difference" between the two musical chairs fields (arbitrary sets of numbers) and the connecting field (communication) is the key. I now realise this amounts to ensuring that the "join the dots field" is logically consistent and not muddled with (double defining) the other two (internally consistent fields). This is rushed- will explain how I think Dr. Dick's "Logical Consistency Analyser" works later.

My purpose then was originally to have my ideas challenged and maybe find something new; otherwise also learn from others, and try solving the Dr. Dick discovery puzzle quickly (internet is expensive to use); enjoy the view of creation!



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