Thanks Michael, Yanniru for comments.
Am trying out ideas a bit here...I have written a mountain of stuff now- just time to give a rushed idea of some more of it here:
"A theory of Everything" might be "A theory Of Anything". Langan considers what connects mind to reality? How about: PERSPECTIVE.
But "perspective" is "theory"- isn't it? So a self-reflecting theory: the theory of everything is "perspective"; which implies CHOICE of perspective; which implies FREEDOM and CONSCIOUSNESS; the theory of everything is the theory of itself: the theory of everything.
Feynman's book "QED" describes what physicists do in quantum electrodynamics. When you look at it: QED and gravity appear to be the same thing! It's all about taking a perspective of perspectives.
Look down a railway line: notice the lines are "attracted" towards each other the further away they are? Attraction "caused" by PERSPECTIVE!
I suggest gravity is essentially the same phenomenon; except the perspective is that of looking at a receding space-time surface.
Any measure of time involves a distance (eg. of clock hand, or atom vibration, etc.). Space-time is just space-space is thus SELF-REFERENCE!
QED and gravity are all about perspectives on self-reference.
With a large mirror behind you, look at a large mirror in front of you. You see countless quantised (discrete, repeating) mirrors stretching away into the distance. In these surfaces (the membranes of M-theory perhaps); you see your front, your back; then smaller the cycle repeats: front, back; in a long tunnel into the distance.
The frequency (mass) of these mirrors in mirrors increases into the distance vanishes in to a black hole! The vanishing-point of perspective!
When you move sideways- all your miror-in-mirror images move sideways: you seem to be connected to this whole deep-space mirror-in-mirror universe!
Suppose you are a section of the tunnel inside somewhere, and that this group of mirrors are all pressed on to one surface within that tunnel-section.
You could calculate your mirror-number "mass" (the section of the tunnel comprising several mirrors, squashed into one mirror-surface leaving a curved-mirror space (true-vacuum) around it).
Mass in physics is a bunch of space-time surfaces collapsed together: a standing wave of collapsed space-time. Growing at the leading edge (now) receding at the trailing edge (also now!). Yet the whole thing eternal in Existence.
Everything is real-quantum tunneling through each other's now-surfaces whenever relative movement occurs. Force is "fractal dimension" (see the range of perspectives apparant in a Mandelbrot set drawing). The traction or grip of now-surfaces is experienced as fractal dimensions (perspective) (forces) when different "nows" tunnel through each other.
Everything sems to be three-in-one. Alex acknowledged that "three accelerations compensating to make stationary object" was almost perfect model of reality. How about "three freedoms; each is a stereo view from the "eyes" of the other two? Space looks 3D because there are three imaginary times (reference spaces)(compare C (gives time) a time A and time B, get 3D space)(constructed by the 3-jump).
Returning to just standing between two mirrors and noticing things:
If you moved sideways, you could describe your image at a particular image-surface as taking a sideways step via a vast number of possible paths (even via "Sirius" in the distance of this mirror world)- but your calculation (via perturbation theory in physics?) ultimately collapses down to a single QUANTUM SURFACE where the movement takes place (but it had all those reflected perspectives!).
When you walk three feet on Earth- does your self-referent multi-reflection walk three feet everywhere in the Universe?
Notice how the mirror tunnel curves smoothly away when you move sideways in front of it: curvature of self-reference (space-time) when you change perspective? Notice the simple harmonic motion when you go left-right-left-right-left-right: you get a wave in the tunnel! And you get compression/expansion of the many mirror-in-mirror sides, first on one side, then the other, oscillating.
Monsters Inc: worth seeing the movie on the big screen! I'm still calm- Michael! Having fun with ideas! A choice of choices: choose which half of a bookshop to explore; choose which half of the half to explore. Collapses because like choosing one quarter of the store- except you took a notably different path with more structure. Real collapse I agree applies probably only at each individual quantum choice-surface. Which item to buy? Decide: real decision, collapse the choices, new freedom surface.
In physics how about collapse occurs when you take a sum of a pyramid of clocks that MIGHT all be speeding up; and add a new clock? The actual choice of adding a new clock- once added you have a fixed event- a certain structural element (the constants occur when moving from one freedom surface to the next; thus you build a structure of constants while always at a freedom surface).
Consciousness creates a structure of decisions/agreements out of freedom. And continues as a freedom-standing wave in the sea of freedom.
Further ideas:
Look at a city scene. You can draw various lines of perspective towards vanishing points off to the side and away, that are cut off at surfaces near and far. Maybe in the Universe we are similarly surrounded by local space-time recession lines, vanishing surfaces, and a spherical surrounding vanishing point-surface that is the beginning and ending of perspective?
How about step inside a see-through sphere coated outside in mirror surface, all floating inside a bigger mirror-inside-surface sphere to get mirror tunnels in all directions? Would the various illusions and effects mimic modern quantum puzzles (like can measure a distant star's diameter using photons from in front and behind the star)?
How about your mirror sphere rolls around inside the bigger sphere? Or two spheres inside as a harmonic gear? The ratio of teeth on the flexiband elliptically surrounding the two connected spheres, pressed against the external sphere with its more cogs causing it to slowly rotate; like ratios of forces that gear the Cosmos?
When you do work and lift an object; I think you may be effectively moving it against the force of perspective (gravity)- like dragging one mirror-image-surface in a mirror-tunnel through several other surfaces.
QED suggests "mass" is "clock density" relative to a chosen clock-surface. Notice that if you move an item towards a mirror till it hits the mirror; all your mirror tunnel images do the same thing (Feynman sum of other paths!) but in pairs!
(Backwards and forwards in the mirror tunnel!).
Look down the mirror tunnel and you see a whole lot of "You"s moving an object inwards towards every second surface.
To exist is to be free. Physics puzzles back this.
Electrons, photons. etc. are freedom-objects; choice-surfaces.
Looking at the mirror tunnel: If I go right the mirrors bunch up to the left from my perspective (my mirror-version's right). The left mirrors attract on my mirror-person's right (unlike charges attract). But they repel on the right where I move to and my mirror person moves to from my perspective (Like charges repel).
This suggests that electric charge attract/repel is a consequence of perspective?
Perspective theory should go well with physics: it fits Alex's "objects are solutions to equations" (each side of an equation is like an eye in a two-eyed stereo view of the solution; the object is the 3-in-1 freedom of perspective etc.).
Physics is full of particles that can rotate into being other particles, or go back and forth in time changing as particles, etc. Anti-matter is mirror-matter- metaphorically may be the view in the mirror behind you in the second mirror-tunnel? (when you stand between two mirrors you get two mirror tunnels).
Introduce a mirror at right angles to the tunnel and you get... a kaleidoscope of perspectives? of particles?
Could a line connecting corners down the mirror tunnel represent a superstring?
Hold your finger up to your nose: quantum superposition of states? Take an observation (close one eye)- and it appears to jump! Look from a more distant view- and you can see around the now higher-dimensional stereo object.
My guess is that the puzzles of physics are all about: self-reference; perspective; freedom; choices; stereo-vision generalised as self-reference; multiple reflections as multiple self-reference echoes; quanta as jumps (agreements, decisions) that link free self-referent freedom surfaces; etc.
Communicate an idea simply enough- and it goes telepathically straight to its destination.
In a state free of evasion cycles; you have choice combinations and permutations: and can quantum tunnel through all the self-referent mirror surfaces instantly teleporting all you to anywhere in the Cosmos? Because the whole Universe is passing through you continuously- and items in it are standing waves moving in an ocean of freedom- creating an interwoven tapestry of space-time via millions of agreements/ choices.
A pathway is a sequence of perspectives.The forces of nature sem to be like harmonic gears with the ratios being a key factor. The differential may be self-reference?
Any ideas on the above?