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Some Questions

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Posted by Abraham Smith/">Abraham Smith on November 2, 1999 04:12:49 UTC

How can we determine if anything has an intelligent source for its origin? Please give me your standard. If I should tell you that the heart, lung, kidney, thyroid, skin, digestive system, brain, liver, and gall bladder are all essential to life, would you disagree? Do you believe that these organs came into existence step by step or one at a time? If I should tell you that these organs are generated by different sets of gene combinations, would you disagree? If I should tell you that the DNA of life contain more information than a 1000 volume of encyclopedias, would you disagree? What other choices may an individual rationally believe other than that essential components to the function of a system must all be available at the start of a system? If all essential components of living organisms must be present in order for life to exist, does this not imply or prove that the genes responsible for such organs must be all present as well? If I should tell you that all organic material (in essence genes, proteins, etc) are very fragile and unstable outside the confines of a cell and are easily destroyed, would you disagree? If you answered "no," would you agree that it would be irrational to believe that all this organic material could survive very long apart from a living system? If you answered "yes," please support your answer "yes." If you were sent to a distant planet and found a computer there, would this be enough to convince you that intelligent life had been present? Would you disagree with me if I said that the human brain could do in a second what it would take the best computer 100 years to do the same? Would you disagree with me if I said that all nature has a natural tendency to go from order to disorder? If you agree with this, in view of atheism, please explain how did we get the order that is in the universe to start with? Is outside energy to a system enough to produce complexity? Must that energy be regulated by something else that is also complex? If energy must be regulated thus controlled by an additional complex system, how can we explain how this additional system developed its complexity if the natural tendency of matter is to go toward disorder? Doesn't this imply that an intelligent source is needed? Aren't intelligent sources responsible for all machinery with several essential parts? Is atheism rational?

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