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God's Logic?

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Posted by Alan on January 27, 2002 05:41:33 UTC

"Religion" is too general; there are many Religions.

Which god? Zeus?

Being specific: take the religion: Catholicism and "God" being "Existence" a Being Who is Three in One and is "Love". One of the "Three" is Jesus Christ.

Then children did not have to die. Catholicism teaches that death and injury come from sin, and the "fall of man." The teaching is that the days of the reign of death are numbered, and the kingdom of Heaven is at hand; in fact already among us for over 2000 years.

"Have faith as little as a grain of mustard seed, and you could say "move" to a mountain, and it would move" or something like that. This might not be just metaphor.

I think I have discovered that specifically; I, or you, or anyone on Earth technically could have saved them (I'm more guilty I guess as I know just how to do it- I think).

Leaving that aside: if humans love God and love their neighbour and take personal responsibility for living in freedom: earthquakes apparantly no problem.

God's plan? Earthquakes are fun. Humans can sense them before they happen. Humans can teleport from danger zone. False-vacuum can be re-shuffled to re-construct buildings. "Nothing will be impossible to you".

Well I'm speculating a bit here; but here is a question: how do you think the logistics of the kingdom of Heaven on Earth will work out? Will the Earth keep doing what planet's do? How will there be no more death and suffering for humans?

I figure nature's provision of telepathy, Cosmos-harmony, and teleportation; should solve a lot of problems for mankind's security.

"Re-shuffling false-vacuum" is a bit more speculative; perhaps we are naturally, planetary tourists and nomads, who do not build elaborate structures? The tardegrave (microscopic creature) has shown engineers a way to build vastly stronger, curved houses that would not crumble in earthquakes. How about anti-gravity too?

I think humans probably can handle all their planet throws at them. As for "moving mountains"- handy ability when an asteroid is approaching on a collision course!



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