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Fat Cells

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Posted by Phil.o.Sofir on October 23, 1999 00:46:27 UTC

: bzrd here: : The interdependency of the biosphere presents an insurmountable hurdle for unguided evolution. I would not argue that God could have Created us through evolution; but, why do we assume that He did, when there is no evidence of evolution above the lower taxonomic levels? These lower levels of taxa are roughly equivalent with the Creation of "kinds" in the Genesis account; do we assume that is coincidental? What is the evolutionary explanation given for so many large animals (dinosours in particular) being found in water-laid sedimentary rocks? This seems, to me, to be rather convincing evidence of a world-wide catastrophic flood. What are the odds of large animal's carcass not being consumed by scavengers? Yet, there are millions of dinosours fossils, not to mention the many, many more that will never be found. Pardon my skeptisism, but, the whole thing sounds kind of far-fetched to me.

: Greg: : Hi bzrd, : WithiN the human DNA strand are chromosomes synonymous with every stage of evolution mankind has ever experienced, including that of plant life. This is evidence of our evolution.

: WithiN the geological record, which provides a precise record of earth's history, there is no layer which recorded a global flood. The iridium layer is the only layer which records a global catastrophe of any kind. It is very thin, but it is found in the same stratis, geologically speaking, everywhere on the planet. Under it, everywhere on the planet, lies the history of the dinosaurs. Mankind(and all the mammalian life which inhabits the world today) could not have competed against the hundreds of millions of years of evolution that led to T. Rex, the apex of evolution in the reptilian dynasty of that time. So Without this event, Mammalian life would not have evolved any further. Yet with this event, the evolution of mammilian life was prolific, leading to all the animals that inhabit the world today, including mankind. This is the story allegorically represented in the Bible by Noah's Ark and the Global Flood, so the people of that time, who knew nothing about evolution, could relate to it. The flood story also gives reason to mention the Rainbow as God's Covenant, which is in fact, The Spectrum, God's Covenant of Universal Truth.

***I thought that these "extra" cells are how the plant "grows" larger, as well as being used during times when there is not enough food or conditions do not allow photosynthisis, such as winter. I relate mamillian fat cells to this process in a simular way. Extra brain cells are also simular, if needed they can be utilized in place of broken/damaged parts of the brain for specific reasons... As far as trying to relate all these things to the possibility of there being a god, well, I have enjoyed such thoughts and conversations, but need to take a break from that side of the discussion because it takes up alot of time/effort and thought, but still see it as important and may continue at another time. It is neat to see how we all try out our ideas on this forum, it is a real stimulant toward truth, whatever it eventually turns out to be. Thanks Ya'll! :)

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