Ideas about Schrodinger's cat:
Pattern matching: consider the life of a cat in "pattern match
space", which is outside space and time altogether. Two objects
can have a similar pattern, for example there may be two matching
green circles; irrespective of how far apart they are in time or
distance (though pattern-options more limited maybe 500 billion
years ago). A "match" in pattern is basically an outside-time;
outside-space; phenomenon.
A cat may be regarded as a holistic "match-cat"; the totality of
all its pattern-matches across time and distance. For example,
that cat a year ago is, as a "match-cat", still growing. Every
new thing the cat does today is a new pattern-future matched to
that cat's match-state of a year ago.
Just before the cat does something new, its present match-with-
its-past becomes almost the same as the next moment's state of
match-with-the-past. (Here I disregard for now the present future
of the cat except the next moment). Only the new action is the
difference, as it will give the cat a bit more past from the
perspective of that moment.
The cat's future-match state grows constantly too; as every
moment the cat creates a bit more "past" to match to all those
unknown futures.
At the beginning of its life; the cat had a lot of future to
match, but no past. At the end it has a lot of past to match, but
little future. Actually "past" and "future" are categories that
vary in size as the cat lives; the match-cat is a whole entity
outside time altogether: a holisim of the total inter-
connectedness of patterns of the life of the cat.
The whole match-cat might conceivably enter a new universe and
match new patterns; though it senses its holistic self is present
all along.
The full picture of the cat's life in "match-space"; though
unknown; is at any one time all there from the perspective of
fully-known match-space. If you were to look at a "match-photo"
or "match-hologram" of the cat taken a year ago; but not be able
to see the future; you would see the hologram growing as new
experiences of the cat now are matched to the cat-then.
At any one moment; you may consider the relationships, all the
matching and non-matching patterns; between the cat and the
universe. In match-space, all events that have happened or are to
happen; have already happened. There is no dead/alive cat in the
"Shrodinger's cat" experiment, no Universe splitting into many
worlds for each quantum micro event; no slight uncertainty that
the cat isn't there because someone might come back from the
future and run over it as a kitten (which Stephen Hawking seems
to imply).
The wave function is not a description of reality, but of the
relationship between past observed reality and an observer's
expectations. Heisenberg acknowledges it's about a tendency for
events and our knowledge of events. The moon can be in the sky
when you are not looking; but the relationship: "you matching the
moon by looking at it" is obviously not there when you are not
looking. That part of the moon's match-state is not there; that
match doesn't happen unless you make it happen. But the moon can
still be there.
The cat's match-state with an observer is not there till you open
the cat-experiment box. But the cat is there, unmatched with you;
but definitely alive or dead; not both. The wave-function of your
uncertainty collapses when you open the box; and the dead-cat-
match-you-looking/ alive-cat-match-you-looking, speculation-superposition is
cancelled by the actual MATCH taking place: "you look" matching
say "live cat".
-dolphin |