>>>My mental model, on the other hand (generated by a procedure which I will attempt to explain at some later date) consists of "a collection of objects in a three dimensional space". In my model, time is a parameter of change: "as time passes, some of these objects change in one way or another (that is, in fact, the only reason the parameter is there).>All your comments about what physics my model does not contain are totally without any basis at all! My model (being identical to the standard) contains all the possibilities contained by the model generated by that "primitive wiring which does the interpretation automatically". If you wish to call some of those objects electrons, or pions or Higgs bosons and give them qualities you desire to give them so that you can produce mathematical relations which explain what you see, you can do that just as well in my mental model as you can in yours as there is a perfect one to one mapping of one into the other: from this perspective, they are absolutely identical!!!>Scientists attempt to explain the changes (seen as actual events which occur in that model) via things they call "Laws of Physics". These "Laws of Physics" are generated after extensive examination of this collection of objects and how they change. That problem under my model is identical to that problem under their model even down to the issues which are to be explained. If something can be explained in their model, it can be explained in mine (the models are identical). If there exists something which cannot be explained in my model, then it can not be explained in their model as the models are identical!>At the end of Chapter 1 and adjusted to 3 dimensions in Chapter 2, I produce what I refer to as my fundamental equation. Ignoring for the moment, exactly how I came to develop that equation, what is significant is the fact that Schrodinger's equation is an approximation to my equation for any circumstance where Schrodinger's equation is deemed a valid approximation to reality. It is further shown that Dirac's equation is also an approximation to my equation when the events are interpreted to have the qualities associated with charged fermions and photons. Finally, it is shown that Maxwell's equations are an approximation to my equation when one is looking at the photon density implied by a distribution of charges.To hold that the validity of my equation should be questioned because I have not derived the Higgs boson from it is equivalent to denying the validity of Maxwell's' equations because they don't produce the Nuclear force. It is no more than intellectual sophistry.>You give me a theory to explain the events I see and I suspect your theory will include names of specific events. Whether or not a particular event will be put forth as an example of a specific named entity in your theory (an electron or a Higgs boson) depends very much on the distribution of surrounding events. The name is no more than a convenience of communication which implies some additional "data" is to be included.>It certainly follows that physical reality as perceived of by the scientific community can be seen as totally described by set of numbers.>Are any aspects of the standard mental model (generated by that "primitive wiring which does the interpretation automatically") tautological? Yes, there are some aspects of that mental model (as commonly understood) which are tautological (true by definition). One issue, very definitely tautological in nature, is the idea that velocity times time gives the distance traveled. This idea is tautological as the definition of velocity is "the distance traveled" divided by "the time it took to travel that far". I only put that comment in as I would like you to understand exactly what I mean when I say a result is tautological.>It is clear that introducing a definition with tautological consequences in no way constrains the scientists ability to explain other events. Likewise, if my perspective (together with some definitions it might suggest) ends up generating some tautological consequences, that fact in itself constrains no scientist from proposing any alternate entities which he feels would provide a useful service in an explanation of some phenomena which has interested him.>Had I done nothing else except present my fundamental equation as the underlying relation which was being approximated by Schrodinger's equation, Dirac's equation and Maxwell's equations, this presentation itself would be as significant as Maxwell's publishing of his results which combined the equations developed by Coulomb, Ampere, Faraday and Oersted into a single coherent relation. I never presented it as such because, when I first deduced it, I had no idea that such was the case.If that set of numbers is complete (that is, there is utterly no information available outside that set of numbers) then my fundamental equation must be true. That statement relies entirely on my mathematical proof. You have already said on several occasions that you are assuming my math is correct; if you are then you must also assume my fundamental equation is true. If you think the fundamental equation can be false then you think there is an error in my proof! |