My thoughts about genetics are much the same as yours, but what do you think a 'tried and true' genetic engineer thinks about it?
My physics class went on a field-trip to watch a speech on genetics(current technology, furure uses and the like), by a very well known lady. The lady(I do not remember her name) went to Scotland and worked with Dolly, and the people who made Dolly. At no time did she say or show anything about my last post on this topic. So, after the lecture I walked up to her and began talking about genetics.
We were talking for a while, then I brought up(and asked her about) the possibilities of DNA synthesis. She became ill with me and walked off(but only after she told me why it was so wrong, and why we(humans) were never going to do anything like that). She did not give me time to reply. She just walked off and hid behind a video camera, she would evidently rather talk to something that did not have a brain.
It was at that point that I lost all respect for her. If she would have discussed the rightness or wrongness of it I would have been fine with it.
I think that all people should keep at least a fairly open mind about everything, especially subjects as "new" as genetics. People who teach a subject should keep the most open mind the subject that they teach(if that subject is not completely known -of course there are exeptions, but you probably understand what I mean-).
When I said all of the comments about "God" I was attempting to discourage closed-minded people from posting. I am, and will probably always be, willing to hear the viewpoints of other people. I just do not want to talk to the wall of a closed mind. However, if a person with an open mind replies it only makes for a better conversation.
Thanks for your time,