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Time Is Evidently Not Eternal ............

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Posted by Mohammad Isa Mirsiam on December 9, 2001 02:39:19 UTC


Time might be infinite (because it is most likely generated by a source outside of itself. You see any infinite set of numbers must have a place of origin.) yet time is evidently not eternal because there is such a thing as time decay factor and time curves. You have failed to place forth an objective fourth possibility. Your countless examples have not materialized. Remember what we learned about pre-biotic state of a cell or even matter itself. Where did matter come from? And what caused matter or pre-matter to materialize from an absolute nothing? What is your definition of nothing? Can you see that without our coming in to existence we would not be here to ask these questions but Allah (G_D) is eternal and alive and a willing agent who by a single word created all that there is. Life is a living book of living words with power from the word of Allah (G_D)(we might see ourselves, and all that there is, as a living story book in which we might be permitted to choose, by the grace of Allah (G_D), the time line in which we wish to travel in this is where the saying "choose your destiny comes from. It is real as you are real). No mater how much we try to dissect it with numbers and equations there are infinite parts that are even smaller. Existence is infinitely fragile and small. Can you not see the meaning of life in this respect? Have you ever read Sir William Shakespeare Henry V.? Can you not see that you and I are interacting and our lives have somehow been affected by one another (even in a small significant way)? There is purpose to life and there is purpose to life beyond the grave. Can you not see how you might affect society simply with you existence? I have found that some fear to venture in to the possibility of life beyond the grave. This need not be the case if one lives their life like in a history book in which one makes history in their immediate surroundings through life and the quest for life and not death and not the quest for destruction (although that in itself is history though it be a short one with a sad ending).

Perhaps you would like to order the copy of the book I suggested for every one to purchase earlier. It is about Life and how life is evolving but not in a meaningless way as we are thought at our schools. (ALLAH (G-D) is known also as AL-BARI': "THE EVOLVER". Do you not see how you have evolved in your mother's womb and you know not what is waiting for you in the world until Allah (G_D) makes you aware? The life beyond the grave is also much like being in the womb. We are unable to see the reality until the time comes that Allah (G_D) awakens you. Perhaps your time has not yet come. It seems to me that you are moving in the right correct direction: always questioning always open-minded to learn more through more research. The quest for life and your destiny is not just found by following superficial orders and observing ceremonial events. All those things follow when Allah (G_D) awakens one. The only difficulty might be for those who deny even the remotest possibility that Allah (G_D) exists and is the creator. I only see that as someone’s stubbornness and arrogance to disbelieve in one simple law of causality and believe in everything else.

I hope you reach your dreams. Allah (G_D) is with you and I ask that he bless you with much wisdom for your time of awakening when you reach that juncture. (There are neurologists who might be able to help you find your hidden talents. I recommend you visit a reputable one because sometimes the awakening might be a physical problem which might be solved with the correct medication [I write this to you because I read some articles on how the brain grows during one's childhood, how the nerve endings should not stop growing until a certain age. The only part of the body that dose not regenerate itself is the brain, but with the correct chemistry even this can be corrected to a certain indefinable degree of regenerative level or for some incomplete connections to be made by the brain's own self preservation program itself). Can you now see a little more on how we are human units living conscious biological beings [made by Allah (G_D) 'THE CREATOR' the same ALLAH (G_D) 'THE ABLE'] in origin and begotten as a consequence of our function made by a force not fathomable to our mind (except those who's brain misinterprets their own carnal and spiritual closeness to Allah G_D as being a g-d themselves. This is most likely where the doctrine of Man g-d comes from.)

With Much Love & Much Respect,

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