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Posted by Mohammad Isa Mirsiam on December 8, 2001 02:11:55 UTC

You are perhaps trying to split hairs here. It seems that you accuse me of what you accuse me of because you have found nothing in the texts that I attached that disapproved research. So how can I be plagiarizing? I never claimed that what I wrote originated from my own brain. It seems that you may be reading all that you read of what I and others write in a way as though you are a prosecutor and a judge and the jury. Show me one place where I claimed that I am the originator of the school of thought that you claim I plagiarized. As a matter of fact all Muslims are encouraged to promote proven texts of the brothers or sisters. This is how Islam works: We are not gain monetarily by the knowledge of one another and that knowledge is to be shared. (Perhaps you are correct about the future of the world: perhaps copyrights will be abolished; perhaps even there will be no need for money in a world having been changed to paradise. What If I told you that I was given the knowledge by Allah (G_D) to be able to write the formula that could bring life on an otherwise dead planet and that if our planet was doomed the only way to survive was to move to a revived planet? How would you feel about copyrights then? (What are you so afraid of? Do you have so much to lose if copyright laws were not to exist in paradise?)

As for the wine episode I debunked your argument with a simple medical explanation already and see no reason to choke myself on it.

As for your suggestion that Islam prohibits research you are wrong and you are quoting all of the texts from out of the total content of the text. You see me debating and researching and I do not get harassed by Muslims for this. The fact may be that you ARE trying to split hears here and you are loosing the battle because everyone who has read what I have posted is a fair witness and can make their own judgment and decide as to if they wish to continue to read what I and others post or not. They do not need you or your negative comments to be discouraged or encouraged in doing so.

I suppose you wish me to look up the word scholastic in the Oxford dictionary for you here too? Here it is:
Scholastic: Of Universities, Schools, Schooling, dons, or school masters, educational, academic, pedantic, formal, (~ theology (much concerned with precise definition)

As usual you are reading the whole text with poison in your heart. The idea here is forbidding Madrasas or schools that enforce only one rule! You may ask: How So? I would reply: Look what happened in Afghanistan Islam prohibits it because of the following saying from the same book part about knowledge: The prophet (Allah bless him) said: " G_D does not take away knowledge, by taking away from (the hearts of) the people, but takes away by the death of the religious learned people till none of them (religious learned people) remain, then people will take as their leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge. So they will go astray and will lead the people astray."

You may ask How: So? I would reply: Just take a look at Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussein: how has he lead his people through Scholastic learning?

Your understanding of Islam is as bad as Christians understand Christianity!


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