>>>Explain me, please, where does energy conservation LAW OF NATURE come from? Momentum conservation LAW OF NATURE? Inverse square LAW OF NATURE? Heizenberg uncertainty principle? Pauli exception principle LAW OF NATURE (governing all chemistry). Where does Coulomb LAW OF NATURE come from? Where does magnetic field come from? Where does electromagnetic field come from? Where does RELATIVITY laws come from?>Also explain me why atoms are just simply harmonics of wave motion of electrons around protons (interfering with each other electrons, of course).>Why the molecules are just simply electromagnetic interaction of atoms? Why the DNA shape (and the unique shape of all other molecules - proteins, sugars, water, O2, etc,) is simply equilibrium position of constituting atoms (repelling and attracting each other electromagnetically exactly as Coulomb law prescribes)? Why is it that all chemistry is just electromagnetic interaction of charges (atoms, molecules and electrons)?>Belief is for those who DO NOT KNOW - they need to fill gaps in their knowledge, that is why they come up with Zeuses "trowing" lightnings, gods "blowing" Big Bangs and Santa Clauses "making and delivering" toys. As we learn more about nature, numerous Santas vanish - because we discover that THERE ARE NON OF THEM. Less and less Zeuses and Santa remains around today - and mostly in uneducated about natural laws heads. Instead, MATHEMATICAL laws of nature take their place to govern physical events. |