You wrote:
"Just as the Articles of Faith you provided do"
My question:
Where? I have not seen it. (Can you be misinterpreting what ever you are reading?) Please send me the particular passage to which you are referring.
Oxford Dictionary meaning of:
Fundamental: Of groundwork, going to the root of the matter, serving as base or foundation, essential, primary, original, from which others are derived. (The fundamental rules)
When I write about fundamental behavior I write about the basic rules or form of the particular philosophy. (In the afore mentioned case I am implying to the self discipline of an individual who applies - ON HIMSELF OR HERSELF - the fundamental rules of good behavior and self discipline. If one person is well behaved and another is not and they are both in close proximity or in someway connected there is going to be a positive result on the part of the well behaved person while the misbehaving person, for the short term, may resent his or her own inadequacies. (or the misbehaving person will try to repel the well behaved person because the misbehaved person is incapable of adjusting to the same level of discipline in such a short time thus the misbehaved person interprets the disciplined persons actions or performance as a threat to his or here position in that particular circumstance and this usually causes the miscreant to use carnal or animal instincts to try an suppress or remove the well behaved person from the field of his own misconceived field of competition. Can you not see that? Would you like an example?
Best regards,