most difficult college professor list", just judging on how you think education ought to be.
But I do see your point, and I think you are most definitely right about current trend in education (however I disagree with your generalizing views on freedom). What you say makes sense; education and "supply & demand" is an inefficient mix when it comes to successful educational system. Rather than pamper students and accommodate to their laziness for purposes of capital gains, we really should get our act together and demand higher standard of ALL students (including highschool/lower grade levels). I find it troubling that the average Japanese high-school student has been already introduced to and expected to master basic/higher calculus, whilst us American kids can graduate with paltry introduction to basic algebra/geometry.
I can imagine that you are a very demanding teacher and a stickler for fine detail; you're probably a perfectionist. Of course, anybody who wants a job well done would most certainly yell for the "perfectionist", so there is absolutely nothing wrong with being critical over mediocrity vs. exceptionalism. Mozart would most likely not be so famous had he not composed exceptional works of music... so I see what you mean when you say that trend in sinking US education standard is disturbing, and perhaps even to be blamed on capitalism.
My only point is that you make general criticism of "freedom" when perhaps your negative outlook on US should be directed toward more specific policy; such as US education policy reform. Perhaps separation of "education" and "capitalism" should be made just as priority as separation of "church & state" in our country. |