First of all, please distinguish between "popular physics litterature" and "idiotic fictional novel".
I did not learn physics from reading Harry Potter (or Goosebumps, or Stephen King thrillers, or sappy love novels, or 'How to meet girls' manual).
The "popular physics litterature" you refer to is authored by well respected leading experts in the field.
I have an AP high-school formal education in math, which doesn't seem very impressive in the least... but then again, I haven't graduated from high-school yet (12th grade senior year)... So although my "formal eduaction" is not all that impressive, I do study and read mathematics litterature on my own free time (before I go to sleep). I understand the theories just fine thank-you, so I guess you could say that although I haven't coughed up the $70,000 for a certificate proving that I'm able to do hordes of homework... I am familiar with partial differential equations and how they are used in physics.
I am also just now becoming acquainted with the Schrodinger wave equation and how to use it, vector & tensor anlysis of geometric manifolds (essential for evaluating equations of GR), vector calculus for use in field equations... oh yes... and I can add and subtract just fine...
It's to bad I can't learn all this stuff in high-school; that way I can prove that I know it with a free diploma, rather than a certificate that comes close to the price of a house... That's ok though, because the Navy has priomised to pick up the tab for me (well, a lot of it anyways)...
As for "proper time", and your refutation of Einstein's theory... all I can say is that you and me are communicating on two different frequencies. That is not at all what I was talking about... |