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Posted by Richard Ruquist on October 30, 2001 15:50:52 UTC

God is information. God comes to us via words, which is a means to transmit information.

God may be much more than that, and perhaps some people can see god, but for most of us the most tangible expression of god is when god talks to us.

Feelings are a higher, more abstract level of communication than hearing, and therefore less tangible. For example, we communicate to our mind through feeling and emotion as well as words and imagination.

Since our mind is our spirit, communicating to our mind is the same as communicating to any other spirit, including god. And so there is at least three levels of communication. The most tangigle is imagination, or seeing things in our mind. We can produce images out of nothing. But usually we have to use words, like triangle to see a triangle. So we can think with images, but we can also think with words. Words that are invisible. We hear them, but for the most part do not see them. So words are less tangible, more abstract- the next level up. Feelings and emotions are at an even higher level. Will is included in this category. We can will ourselves to try harder. Perhaps will is even higher than feelings. The brain can communicate to us through feeling. But we can communicate to the brain through will.

So I think it's much the same with all spirits. Humans have to see things to really think they exist. But obviously things that we do not see can exist. In short, the things that our mind can experience is the stuff of spirit and god.

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