The Big-Bang comes from a singularity which IS a definition for an infinitely ever smaller point from which All the matter and energy in the Universe did come when the Big-Bang was initiated.
So alex, believing in the Big-Bang, is the same as believing in the unexisting entity, except that there is method to the madness of Creation.
The Universe IS an Incubator for the Creation of New Life. Gravity was the First Law of Physics to come into existance in the first second of the Big-Bang. Gravity IS the weakest of all the Laws of Physics, yet Gravity IS the means by which the expansion of the Universe will be contained, thus giving the Universe the utmost optimum opportunity for the Creation of Galaxies, Solar Systems, and Planets Upon which Life may then evolve, before it returns once more likened to the singularity from which it sprang.
Kind of convenient, that Gravity, the Weak and Strong Nuclear Force, and Electromagnetism were the first things to manifest themselves in the first second of Creation, don't you think?
Evolution provides the most effective means of determining the most worthwhile life form to inhabit every conceivable environment, so evolution makes virtual Gardens of Eden out of every environment for whatever life forms evolve in those environments. N'est Pas?
Think it's all the plan of the non-existent void that existed in the singularity from which the Big-Bang was initiated? Or do you think that maybe it's more likely that the reason that we are able to perceive beyond the perceptive range of our natural senses, and therefore perceive the Covenant of Universal Truth that IS in the Rainbow, known to some as The Spectrum, might be because some entity forsaw the need for life to question its own origins, and in His Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omnilove, Provide Omniscience for His Omnifarious, Omnivorous, Creation?