Do you mind if I comment to this post? I'll assume it's okay...
>>>There exists a logical problem in any analysis of reality. As Paul Martin says, "the only thing I know for sure is that thought happens!": i.e., I am thinking. One might say, "I am aware"! Now, I know *I* am aware but I have no sure way of really determining if you are aware. You say you are; but that is not a proof. Certainly, there exists no proof that anyone is aware other than the mind thinking about the issue.So I will ask another question. If my soul suddenly found itself attached to Paul Martin, would I (the soul, the aware entity) know that *I* wasn't Paul Martin? If my knowledge was then exactly the knowledge of Paul Martin; my feelings were exactly the feelings of Paul Martin (feelings are a consequence of chemical hormones, firing synapses etc. aren't they?) and everything I was aware of was what Paul Martin's soul was aware of immediately prior to the switch, how could I (the awareness) know I was not Paul Martin?>It seems to me that the only conclusion which can be reached is that, in the absence of an entity to be attached to, all souls are identical. If all souls are identical it seems that I can appeal to Richard Feynman's idea that there is only one! If there is only one, why don't we just give it a name? Can we call it god? I have gone full circle and gotten right back to where I started. God is the Great Original Dilemma: i.e., that phenomena which underlies everything and cannot be explained! |