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PROJECT PSALM I (1st Stage) – Need Assistance

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Posted by Ezekiel Barnabas on September 26, 2001 08:15:18 UTC

PROJECT PSALM I (1st Stage) – need assistance

Objective: To achieve scientific reincarnation by cloning and metempsychosis

Dear Members of the forum,

I have in the latter explain a short explanation concerning my reincarnation idea in this forum and I have seen a good advice from Harv (Harvey). That is what I am going to base in my project. But my decision will be a more detail and step by step (ABC) procedure. Starting from the most common and mythological phenomena of ether and physical belief, which is spells.

I am targeting spells because I do believe in certain circumstances that there exist ether energy produced through spell reading. What we are lacking considering to the law and media system in our country, defies us from getting substantial information and metaphysical phenomena.

The point on producing the first basis of reincarnation is to have a detector for marking the level of activity of ether energy produced during spell reading. Supposedly tracking from the lowest to the highest reading possible. I don’t know about ghostly encounters relating to electroplasm or anything, but we are trying the best in our encounters.

We are a bunch of adolescents and some just passed adulthood. This project will take years by leaving the idea stranded in a piece of paper in our rooms without really doing neat researches. The best we need is a parts list and FAQ on making and assembling the afformentioned ether energy detector for the commencing of our hopefull project. Below are the latter discussions made by Harv and me.

Don't Think So [Posted by Harvey on July 27, 2001 21:43:30 UTC]


You have the name of two biblical characters, but you are Islamic?

In any case, a theory of reincarnation would need to have the following criteria to be regarded as scientific:

1) Predict phenomena and have those predictions *statistically confirmed* that could only be known if reincarnation was correct. For example, let's say you were Black Beard the pirate in your past life. Then you would need to know things only Black Beard would have known, such as where you left buried treasure. Only, to give credibility to reincarnation this would need to be tracked statistically (hit/miss based on a sufficient worldwide sampling). For example, if the sampling was tainted to only those who made such claims, then this wouldn't be very good. You would preferably need to sample people who made no such claims of a previous life.

2) A means to test between competing ideas. For example, perhaps reincarnation is being confused with mediums that consult the dead. Both are pseudo-science, but if we were to really find rational reasons to seriously investigate these paranormal phenomena, then how do we distinguish one paranormal belief from another? At some point we need to see behind the metaphysical curtain to make such assertions. Science can't do that, so how can we say for sure that a past life is our life versus something else entirely?

3) A major set-back for naturalism/materialism/physicalism. Science is based on a creed that the world is operating on natural/physical principles. To get science to change and accept metaphysical experiences (e.g., reincarnation) we would have to see major set-backs for this current ideology. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Warm regards, Harv

I See Your Point [by Ezekiel Barnabas on September 13, 2001]
As I did on my The Simplicity of Reincarnation Thought Possible, I mentioned the two common procedures of reincarnation. The possibility remains on cloning (ie: all the descendents derived asexually from a single individual, as by cuttings, bulbs, etc. or by fission, parthenogenesis, etc. an individual produced by cloning) and metempsychosis (ie: in some religious beliefs, the passing of the soul at death into another body, either human or animal; transmigration) in which the second must adhere scientific evidence and procedures. This encouragement brings to the knowledge of theosophy (ie: often incorporating elements of Buddhism and Hinduism) in a biblical and Quranic reference and interpretations.
Concerning the old reincarnated pirate you were quoting about, whether he remembers where he buried his treasures. I assume everyone has their own DNA & genetic pattern. This individual pattern might bring memories of their passlife (though they must be a full adult to exactly remember everything), unless the subject is cloned through a different pattern, memory relapse might continuously occur but will probably not solve the subjects mysterious thought occurance. To be reincarnated and to still acquire the passlife memories requires all the little bit (of information) of DNA of the old body. So, this might prove the possibility of reincarnation. Though a scientifical process of metempsychosis do require.

Furtherings From Reincarnation Theory

Theoretically I believe (though not yet proven) the process of reincarnation in light of modern and adaptive rational knowledge can succeed. My reason is, everyone has a specific (different) DNA print and metaphysically, it is believed that any mark left by a DNA attracts the [soul/spirit (?)] to the whereabouts of its post-physical (body) mark before the soul was freed or separated from the locking (neutralized position) of the electrical energy in the physical (body) “(electrical energy ties the soul with the body, and changes form, after the body is deceased, finally releasing the soul). So I view (sceptic +/-), the DNA print itself is the key in pulling back a soul. This process must needs be equipt with scientific and systematic characteristics of METEMPSYCHOSIS. A form of ether-magnetic field will open free an (ether) wave attraction force, with compacted (high volt) energy compatible in grabbing and pulling, source from coordination of the post-physical (body) DNA print.

Let me stress, before proceeding the METEMPSYCHOSIS procedures (scientifically). Is, must the needs provide a cloned physical (body) prevailing the physical and DNA characteristics of the post-physical (body). Another (sceptic +/-) stressing, any physical (body) lacking the characteristics of the soul connected (DNA relativity/connected), which is needed pro-to DNA connection, will not succeed as a perpetual soul (of the body according to DNA). The fact (is), the position or coordination of the soul will become a visitor occupant or in a position of POSSESION. I do believe, a soul has its own type of DNA print, only lacking revolutionary research (scientifically).

Some Comments

I don’t try to mean an aggressive comment here. But what I really do believe is an open minded and open discussion, not based on rules that prevents certain study of knowledge science cannot prove. I really hold my position on the creed that the world is operating on natural/physical principle, and I still hold it dearly, to prevent from leading my self to mental instability or in other words becoming crazy for being overpossesed by a research but couldn’t find a solution. But my personal perspective on science is, the free-mind process which will centuries or 50-80 years later provide man enough information on the expansion of the human race, not just on earth, but possibly other planets as well.

Some folks might implicate this creed to the masses so as to side track certain or most people in taking an affair or doing a personal research of the unexplained phenomenas we see on earth, not much, but least. Still, the point is we have seen some proofs implicating the existence of a supernatural force or ethereal forces or beings. I would first not associate myself to such beliefs, but the fact lies in the proofs I have personally seen.

My English is worse, and I really hope this message is understood. I might use language appearing offensive but its my grammar problem.

I will not tell peolple where I live. If you wan’t to get further. Just e-mail me at:

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