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Confession Is Good For The.... Who?

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Posted by Robert Garfinkle on September 24, 2001 03:40:41 UTC

I remember when I went through a period of time when I wished I could confess and say I'm sorry to everyone I hurt. I guess you could call it a cleansing of the soul. Well, I started to, to some people. Some of it helped, and some of it didn't. I lost a friend in the process, but over all people were receptive, and I overall felt better for doing what I thought was right.

We've all done things wrong. Even the U.S. (Obvously). The question is, can one forgive themselves. And that means the U.S too.

We all make bad decisions. Some really really bad.
But we can try to resolve in a couple of ways.

1. Never do it again
2. Say we are sorry.

I see, and maybe I'm wrong - please correct me, that the U.S. has really been on good behavior for the most part for a number of years. We have intervened in a couple of ways.

1. When others freedoms are at stake
2. When our national interest (legitimately) was in peril.

So I see, again maybe I'm wrong, that we have really tried to be on our best behavior. Yes?
Especially for a super power that can very easily do damage to others. But Hasn't.

Now. Without provocation. Someone else has come into our lives, and taken a bite out of us.

I, do not believe in killing at all. I am totally for peace etc. But this time the line was crossed, and I am hurt and pissed. If there were a way to resolve it, let's do that before someone else gets killed. But I think that we should go in and "remove the cancer". Harsh that may sound, but surgery must be performed. NOW.

Don't even use an anesthetic. It's a waste.


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