In the name of Allah, most Merciful, most Beneficent
An Arab Saying: "Two sorts of People will never have enough. Those who thrust for knowledge and those who lust after riches."
Notice that Knowledge is the former and riches is the latter. Also know that Islam supersedes nationalism (thus a true Muslim believes in the covenant of the rainbow). Then look at what is happening. You should be able to deduce the problem. Greed is the key to the problems in the world as it has been for time immemorial. It looks like there is a power struggle to me (economical and territorial).
Perhaps the war is between So-called Islamic factions where the U.S.A. is dragged in by forcing its hand. A disgruntled King in Arabia wishes to wipe out his opposition (a would-be king) who is content to live in a cave in Afghanistan. Perhaps the might of the U.S.A. is being used to accomplish many things at once. Perhaps the outcome will not be so bad if the threat of violence is extinguished or dimmed. Perhaps some Muslims of the world see the corruption and greed and arrogance and lusts encroaching on their territories from the western culture. It may be that the clergy are afraid of losing their children and the future generation in to the temptations that the western life has to offer.
This is not a judgment but a description of my unbiased observation derived from data based on the general study of some historical movements in the world. This is not fare from the story of Robin Hood.
I hope you prefer this answer. And I hope it has helped some.
Here is what I truly believe the world should commit itself to in the “Future world Constitution” and what it says about ‘The Origin of Man’ as expressed in the (Holey Qur’an surah 49 verse 13):
“O mankind!
We created you
From a single (Pair)
Of a male and a female,
And made you into
Nations and tribes,
That ye may recognize
One another
[Not that ye may
Despise each other].
Verily, the most
Honoured of you
In the sight of G_D
Is (he who is) the
Best in conduct.
With Much Love & Understanding