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Hitting Home. When It Happens To Us.

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Posted by Robert Garfinkle on September 18, 2001 05:15:01 UTC

When we hear about genocide in another country or some other atrocity, some of us, for a few moments, will discuss the matter during dinner, or in passing with another person. We will hear about it on the news later on and reflect on the conversation we had earlier.

We are awestruck at that event. How terrible. We try to envision what that moment was like, as if we were the one being directly affected. For some of us, if not most, we continue on our daily lives/business a few moments later. Until the next terrible event happens, and then we repeat the awestruck process over again.

Finally it hit home. I do not live in NYC. Not even close, but I feel as if my heart were torn out, and I had family/friends injured/killed. I now feel more unsafe, knowing that at any moment it could happen right here. I feel most of all, invaded and very threatened.

What is that? Why do we seem to feel not as threatened when an event happens so far away, but feel more like "we're next" when it happens next door to us. I am 1000+ miles from NYC and I feel as if it's just happened down the street.

Was it the denial that said to me "Oh, it can never happen here" is that why I feel safer when I hear about tragedy being so far away? Can it be the personal boundary invasion issue? I don't know. The closer it is, the more threatened I feel.

The truth is, I am affected by it even when it's thousands of miles away.

Ok, so it's accepted that in the Middle-East that a holy war or holy tensions are very present? Holy tensions/wars are a bit rougher, and very ruthless.

But from what I understand, this attack is not about Allah/G_D. It's about hate. For us. Any given American. I was once told that love and hate are on the same "plane". This does scare me, to death (no pun intended).

This hate crime/action brings about a new set of fears. Does it for you? It says to me that death could really come about at any time. I will not argue the fact that I could be run over by a bus tomorrow and the result would be the same. I'm not living anymore. But the bus/bus driver had no intention of just ending my life. Whereas this group of individuals wants it to end. I am not being judged. I am being executed with no cause.

Is that what part of this world is coming to?

Don't mind me. I'm just rambling on. But I'd like to hear your input anyway.



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