This was a letter that was written to the President of the United States of America. I don't know if he will see it. Below is what I wrote.
Dear Mr. President,
Not only a citizen of this great nation, but as a human being, I am looking to find answers, resolve, and consolation to this terrible tragedy. We all are mourning the loss of our fellow children, women, and men who were going about there daily business. They, in efforts to simply live, love, and carry on, not just the American dream, but dreams of their own, were senselessly taken from their families, friends, and us. I cry.
It is a terrible thing to think, that what happened on our soil on September 11th 2001, has to be a part of our growing pains on our road to peace and spread freedom for all people.
I have seen an amazing thing happen over the last few days in the wake of this despicable, heinous series of acts. I would imagine you've seen it too. The unity, of not just people in our country that share kinship and differences, but others around the world, who have stopped to, not just console, but join us in our efforts to continue on that road to peace and spread of freedom. It's absolutely amazing. I have seen our American flag posted, hung, as displayed in as many places as people could put them. I have seen groups of students standing on the steps of their elementary school waving at traffic and people passing by, with the American flag in each one of their hands. I was amazed by the fact that during 'The changing of the guards at Buckingham palace', they broke tradition, and played our national anthem. It gave me chills inside.
This unity that I sense, says to me that maybe for the first time, we are willing, not just as a nation, but a group of nations, to make peace and freedom really happen, in the most earnest of efforts. It's a tough road. As you said Mr. President. "We Will Prevail". I take those words to mean that this is not just for our country, but for all people everywhere who wish to follow and help others live their own dreams.
I am angry, hurt, and incredibly saddened by the events, but in this unity I see, I see hope.
In remembrance of all who perished. I will be fasting, not taking off work, on September 11th from here on forward. I hope others will join me. I believe 'That the mouths were taken away from the bread that sustained them'. That is why I fast. I will not take a day off of work because of our willingness to move forward as a nation, and to continue to show our strength as a nation. I also encourage that businesses, on that day, like I am going to fast, will give up their profit, made on that day, and donate those profits to help keep our country secure, allowing us to continue down that road to peace and freedom.
May peace be about us, and let freedom ring. Always
Robert G. Garfinkle
United States Citizen