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Posted by Rob on September 8, 2001 01:51:27 UTC

OK people,

Lets chew on some facts. The facts are this (See Below)

1. Some people believe in GOD(S), or anything they wish to believe in. Whether it's real or not it does not make a difference, at all. Thats why it is called a belief. I think that a belief is on the same level as feelings. Feelings can't be wrong. EVER. Now there is a veritable plethora of beliefs, and some might dispute one belief vs another, but from a "belief frame of reference".
and that's OK. Isn't it?

2. Other people, cannot go through life without having absolute fact, and will continue to search until the search is done. And they will prove, and prove, and prove, and keep on proving. And proof leads to more discovery, until it needs to be proven again. That's awesome. There can really be nothing more solid than proven fact.

But how can a person knock the other. Is it because the belief hasn't been proven. Maybe so, but really, you can't knock the belief because the belief, of what ever it is being believed in, is viewed/felt by that person as being their ultimate proof and they need not go futher. At that point all they have to do is act on it. Be good, say prayers, help thy neighbor etc... and lets not forget about love, oh yes! What about love, the basis for attraction, the sustainer of life, it is invisible, and yet so powerful.

Without starting a fight. No intention there. can I talk about love. I cannot see love, I can feel it, and I do believe in it too. Where is the proof that love exists, and it's so different for everyone. Very different in some/most cases. Just like a persons belief in GOD(S)/Higher power. Maybe I can prove love by seeing a different chemical reaction take place in the body. And could I not say the same about GOD. A person could be so much at ease, or unrest depending on there "relationship" with GOD(S), and affects them physically. Power of the mind versus the rest of the body. I am pretty sure that we (as a people) have studied love and the belief in GOD as it relates to physical well being? What is to be said about that? It also could be the greatest miracle of all. Couldn't it?

I'd like to know...

But in this forum. Is our attempt to disprove GOD, or venture together to find answers. Maybe for ourselves, or to help others find answers.

This is a tough place to do business people, if you know what I mean (This forum). Many, Many thoughts, answers, mysteries, even for things that have been proven/disproven. Math never lies, but have we, as much as we can dispute the existence of GOD(S), maybe for the simple fact that we cannot see GOD(S), have to ask one question.

Can we disprove GOD(S), or should the question be posed like this. Is/Are GOD(S) just very difficult to prove.

I think not, in my mind, being a believer, am totally convinced that GOD exists. All what we have around us, is here, and it is every where.

Isn't that enough proof...


The Peacemaker...

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